Where is the line of doing to much or to little for your kids?

Where is the line of doing to much or to little for your kids?
Where is the line of doing to much or to little for your kids?

It’s a tough call. Knowing what is developmentally appropriate at a given age, and taking into account what you know about your child, you can give them the expectation that they will do the things that they can, and you will help and teach them to do the things that they can’t (yet), and you are there for them to cover the things that are beyond their abilities…. until they’re not. The goal, in my opinion, is to raise functional adults, while not crushing the child. We have many books on parenting in the HQ 755-792 range (O’Neill floor 4, shelf 121), but don’t expect the experts to agree!

Any tips for coming out to my parents?

Any tips for coming out to my parents?
Any tips for coming out to my parents?

That can be really tough. This guide from the Human Right’s Council may help you: bit.ly/OutHRCGuide. BC also has some resources for you: bit.ly/LBGTQBC. I sincerely hope your declaration is met with acceptance and love.

How do I stop suppressing my feelings/emotional needs in a romantic relationship? :(

How do I stop suppressing my feelings/emotional needs in a romantic relationship? :(
How do I stop suppressing my feelings/emotional needs in a romantic relationship? 🙁

Ask yourself the question, “What conditions would need to be met for me to be open about my feelings & needs?” If you don’t think those conditions can be met, then either a) you need to work on trust and courage or b) your partner is creating conditions hostile to trust. Or both. Brene Brown has some really great wisdom on courage & vulnerability: bit.ly/BC-brene-brown. Unfortunately, she’s so popular that all the books at BC Libraries are currently checked out. She’s also got some TedTalks and a recent Netflix special worth watching.

How do I stop observing/hanging around (not stalking… I’d say) someone?

How do I stop observing/hanging around (not stalking... I'd say) someone? Any idea besides talking to a therapist? What if that person is a therapist? or do I have to stop? I think the prevalance rate of situation isn't low ~
How do I stop observing/hanging around (not stalking… I’d say) someone? Any idea besides talking to a therapist? What if that person is a therapist? or do I have to stop? I think the prevalance rate of situation isn’t low ~

Determination of stalking is not for the beholder but for the beheld. However, regardless of whether you or the other would consider your behavior “stalking”, you expressed that you want to stop. If you are having trouble doing that, talking to a therapist is the best option. And don’t worry if the stalkee is a therapist; those people should have procedures to handle stalkers and can refer you to another therapist if necessary.

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 months but he’s all the way in California! Any advice for long distance relationships? ?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 months but he's all the way in California! Any advice for long distance relationships? :(
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 months but he’s all the way in California! Any advice for long distance relationships? 🙁

If it’s worth it to both of you, you can make it work. It’s not easy, but communicate as much as possible (chat, phone, skype, write sweet long love letters in longhand) and save up for visits as often as possible. It helps to know if there’s an end to the separation in sight.

How to make a friend w/benefits your significant Other? [Response: ASK]

How to make a friend w/benefits your significant Other? [Response: ASK]
How to make a friend w/benefits your significant Other? [Response: ASK]

I agree with the response. I don’t think anyone wouldn’t be at least flattered to know you’d developed true feelings for them over the course of an otherwise rather transactional affair. You would be opening yourself up to rejection, of course, but that’s always the risk when telling someone you want a relationship. Worth it, in my opinion. Best of luck!

I fell for a bearded footballer but now he’s shaved we’ve lost the spark! + now I’m scared I’ll never see him again

I fell for a bearded footballer but now he's shaved we've lost the spark! + now I'm scared I'll never see him again.
I fell for a bearded footballer but now he’s shaved we’ve lost the spark! + now I’m scared I’ll never see him again.

If you’re scared you’ll never see him again, it sounds like you haven’t lost the spark. He’s the same person, facial hair or no. If you made the mistake of rejecting him for beardlessness & now regret it, ask for forgiveness. If no regrets, move on.

How do you tell ur roomate he has sleep apnea?

How do you tell ur roomate he has sleep apnea?
How do you tell ur roomate he has sleep apnea?

I would go the “I am not a doctor” (IANAD) route and not diagnose him, but gently bring up the symptoms that you’ve noticed, tell him they alarm you, and suggest he might want to ask his doctor (or see University Health Services (bit.ly/BostonCollegeHealth) about it. It’s good that you’re making the effort to do this; sleep apnea is no joking matter!