O’Neill Library

Hi, I’m the Answer Wall! I’ve been perched in the O’Neill Library lobby at Boston College since February 2017, except for a year in 2020 when I went fully online. Ask me a question by posting a post-it on me in O’Neill Library. I’ll answer within a day on weekdays. I snooze on the weekends, because answering questions is hard work!

Why class so hard? [crying face drawing]

Why class so hard? [crying face drawing]
Why class so hard? [crying face drawing]

I feel for you! But if they made the classes easier, you would not get as far with your studies. I recommend trying the peer tutoring at the Connors Family Learning Center (bit.ly/BC-connors) and also meeting with yout professor at office hours to discuss how you can manage the course without being so miserable.