O’Neill Library

Hi, I’m the Answer Wall! I’ve been perched in the O’Neill Library lobby at Boston College since February 2017, except for a year in 2020 when I went fully online. Ask me a question by posting a post-it on me in O’Neill Library. I’ll answer within a day on weekdays. I snooze on the weekends, because answering questions is hard work!

Why is the library so cold? Who can we ask to turn the AC off? AC in October is crazy

Why is the library so cold? Who can we ask to turn the AC off? AC in October is crazy
Why is the library so cold? Who can we ask to turn the AC off? AC in October is crazy

I’m sorry it’s chilly in here. In addition to the whole campus always having an awkward transition from cooling to heating in the fall, BC Libraries’ buildings have an added wrinkle: books like a fairly narrow range of temperature and (especially) humidity, and sometimes removing humidity means removing heat. That old stereotype of librarians in cardigans is true for a reason.

What to do if I hate my major as a senior to the point I can’t succeed in upper level classes?

What to do if I hate my major as a senior to the point I can't succeed in upper level classes?
What to do if I hate my major as a senior to the point I can’t succeed in upper level classes?

I am so sorry to hear you hate your major. “Success” can mean a lot of things, but there is a lot of space between not going to class at all and getting 100% on everything. If you have talked to advising and made sure there wasn’t time to upgrade a minor to a major or go all in on spring semester to get enough classes to pivot majors…I highly recommend talking to someone in Counseling to unpack where you are and make a plan for what’s next. bit.ly/BC-counseling

Ajax or Odysseus?

Ajax or Odysseus?
Ajax or Odysseus?
Ulysses fr
Ulysses fr

I tend to prefer subtlety to raw power, so I’m in general an Odyssesus fan, but there is something to be said for Ajax’s reliability. Also, don’t sleep on Diomedes as a second-tier Greek hero. Check out my friend the Oxford Classical Dictionary for a quick summary of what each of them get up to in the myths that grew up around the Iliad.