Why am I so sleepy in class?

Why am I so sleepy in class?
Why am I so sleepy in class?

It depends — are you sleeping normally at night? If not, that’s definitely a reason for falling asleep in class. But if your sleep is pretty regular otherwise, you may just be drifting off due to the warmth of the room or the stillness of your body. Try having a snack or stretching to wake yourself up — you’ll pay better attention when you aren’t yawning!

Is it worth it to get a Comp Lit PhD?

Is it worth it to get a Comp Lit PhD?
Is it worth it to get a Comp Lit PhD?

It depends on what you mean by “worth” and “it.” If you’re passionate about literature and want a career engaging in it – studying it, writing about it, teaching it – then yes, that’s the path to that career. It’s not easy, and the PhD is just the opening salvo of challenges on the way to a tenure-track job in academia. If you just want to keep a hand in literature because you like it, I recommend pursuing any other career, and fostering groups of friends who read and talk about literature. I recommend talking to people with comp. lit. PhD’s to get their perspective.

Why do I fail tests?

Why do I fail tests?
Why do I fail tests?

It’s distressing, for sure.There could be many reasons. Academic coaching and tutoring at the CFLC (bit.ly/BC-connors) may be just the thing, but I’d also suggest a talk with your advisor. We all want you to succeed here!

I asked this previously…

I asked this previously but did not realize the turn around rate of this wall; do you see a problem with consensual, ethical, non-monogamous sex?
I asked this previously but did not realize the turn around rate of this wall; do you see a problem with consensual, ethical, non-monogamous sex?

You never need to miss an answer – I have a web presence (library.bc.edu/answerwall/). The answer was: Ethical and consensual is good and necessary. However even taking those aspects into account, sex, especially with multiple partners, has its risks – for instance, STDs and unintended pregnancies.

Why am I so hurt?

Why am I so hurt?
Why am I so hurt?

I’m sorry you’re hurt, but I’m sure you will also recover, and reasonably certain the process of recovering will teach you that you have capacities you weren’t aware of and reveal friends you didn’t know you had. Depend on yourself and depend on friends and family. You’ve got this. If you find the hurt remains longer than expected, consider counseling: bit.ly/BC-counseling

I thought the Answer Wall is here to provide “answer.”

I thought the Answer Wall is here to provide "answer." I'm not looking for your emotional support, but a reason to make sense of the policy. Why do we have a horrible policy that insist on notifying parents regarding hospitalization despite knowing that can hurt the student, discourage support-seeking behavior, and retraumatize the person? Why do we have the section 12 law that takes power, trust, autonomy away from individuals, when the goal of therapy is to foster healing and empower the person? Hy do we have such horrible law, claiming to protect one's life, but actually hurting the person more? Or why do I keep fall into the cycle?
I thought the Answer Wall is here to provide “answer.” I’m not looking for your emotional support, but a reason to make sense of the policy. Why do we have a horrible policy that insist on notifying parents regarding hospitalization despite knowing that can hurt the student, discourage support-seeking behavior, and retraumatize the person? Why do we have the section 12 law that takes power, trust, autonomy away from individuals, when the goal of therapy is to foster healing and empower the person? Hy do we have such horrible law, claiming to protect one’s life, but actually hurting the person more? Or why do I keep fall into the cycle?

I’m sorry the flawed health care system is troublesome, and I’m sorry my answer was unsatisfactory. You might be interested in the book Insane consequences: How the mental health industry fails the mentally ill, by D.J. Jaffe (Social Work Library RC455 .J28 2017). If I understand it correctly, a recent law (part of the 21st Century Cures act, signed in December 2016 – for a summary of relevant law, look here: (bit.ly/HR2646)) relaxed restrictions on HIPAA/FERPA to allow providers to share some information with caregivers (i.e. family), to avoid healthcare problems worsened by confidentiality. I’m always sorry to hear about solutions that also cause problems. The world is complicated that way. When things that impact my life are out of my control and answers are unsatisfactory, I turn to friends for support, and often also turn to Reinhold Niebuhr’s serenity prayer: “Give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other.”

如 何 增 发, 且 不 掉 发?

如  何  增  发, 且  不  掉  发?  (How can I increase more volume to my hair,or how can I avoid hair loss?)
如 何 增 发, 且 不 掉 发? (How can I increase more volume to my hair,or how can I avoid hair loss?)

You might have missed this answer from 9/26: Hair loss could have many underlying causes, many of them genetic and irreversible. (More info: bit.ly/mayo-baldness) Even treatment for reversible hair loss has only had moderate success. A particular type of hair loss (alopecia areata) occurs starting in childhood, and is the result of an otherwise benign autoimmune disorder. A recent review of the literature (bit.ly/bc-alopecia) found moderate success with some treatments for this condition. If it’s irreversible, at least know that I think bald humans look wise & sophisticated.

Why does life seem to be out of my control?

Why does life seem to be out of my control?
Why does life seem to be out of my control?

It can be disorienting to feel out of control. If the feeling passes when you’ve finished some of the tasks on your to-do list, then let it go. If it persists, there are potentially two pieces to this: planning, and your feeling of being overwhelmed. First, try setting priorities and planning your time more carefully. (I recommend the academic coach at the CFLC: bit.ly/BC-connors.) If that takes care of it, great! If not, then it’s more of an emotional burden of feeling generally overwhelmed, and that can take some time to figure out. I recommend counseling: bit.ly/BC-counseling.

Why is counseling so useless?

Why is counseling so useless? I know it's mean to say and they've been trained that way and they're trying their best to help, but why is there so much reflecting and paraphrasing but no real acknowledgement or advice???
Why is counseling so useless? I know it’s mean to say and they’ve been trained that way and they’re trying their best to help, but why is there so much reflecting and paraphrasing but no real acknowledgement or advice???

It’s not mean to say that you’re feeling that counseling is useless, as long as you know that that may not be true for everyone in counseling. If you don’t feel you’re getting much (or anything) from counseling, try addressing it directly and telling your counselor what you would like to gain from your sessions. This may mean adjusting your current counseling, or looking for someone new to talk to who is a better fit, but it’s worth it to feel like you’re making progress and getting what you need.

How do I invite him to the club????

How do I invite him to the club????
How do I invite him to the club????

Straightforwardly? “Hi, would you like to go to the club?” Have some dates and times in mind, so you’re ready to answer that question. And tell a friend what you’re planning, so you have someone you can tell about The Ask whether it’s a success or not.

My high school crush, whom I was too nervous to ask out, got touchy-feely with me at a recent party and seemed really into me, though she has had a boyfriend for the past 2 years.

My high school crush, whom I was too nervous to ask out, got touchy-feely with me at a recent party and seemed really into me, though she has had a boyfriend for the past 2 years. What should I do? I don't want to invade on her relationship, but I still really like her.
My high school crush, whom I was too nervous to ask out, got touchy-feely with me at a recent party and seemed really into me, though she has had a boyfriend for the past 2 years. What should I do? I don’t want to invade on her relationship, but I still really like her.

Be straightforward about this. Your reasons and language about it are good: “I really like you, but you have been with {boyfriend} for 2 years; I don’t want to invade your relationship. What are your thoughts?” Be prepared to find out she doesn’t think there is anything wrong with having a boyfriend and having some casual fun with you. In that case, you need to decide what your stance on that is.

I thought they bring in dogs during test week.

I thought they bring in dogs durng test week. Where the dogs at
I thought they bring in dogs during test week. Where the dogs at

Yes! There are therapy dogs here at O’Neill during exams. But we recognize that’s not the only stressful time when humans can benefit from dog love. They’ll be here in O’Neill (in the 3rd floor Reading Room) this week. See signs in the lobby.

What if we never find a purpose in life?

1) What if we never find a purpose in life? 2) What's the definition of beauty? What's true beauty 3) Why do we question the world?
1) What if we never find a purpose in life? 2) What’s the definition of beauty? What’s true beauty 3) Why do we question the world?

1) Trust that you will if you’re serious about finding it, 2) True beauty is simultaneously in the eye of the beholder and the heart of the beheld, even though that might cause contradictions, 3) We question the world because it’s full of contradictions and injustices.

Why r my farts so smelly these days?

Why r my farts so smelly these days? (sad face) Serious Q
Why r my farts so smelly these days? (sad face) Serious Q

Occasional smelly farts are normal and usually caused by something you ate. If you introduced something new into your diet, that may be the culprit. If you have very foul smelling gas, it could be signs of a digestive track problem or allergy- a visit to the doctor may be in order if it persists.