How can I love someone who has trust issues? …

How can I love someone who has trust issues? How can I make him believe that I care? I have given everything that I know how to give, but its not enough...he thinks I don't always care about him. I don't know what to do anymore. I love him more than anything. Why can't he see that?
How can I love someone who has trust issues? How can I make him believe that I care? I have given everything that I know how to give, but its not enough…he thinks I don’t always care about him. I don’t know what to do anymore. I love him more than anything. Why can’t he see that?

Trust is the soil of love. Without it, love withers and dies. Real talk: when someone can’t trust someone who loves them unconditionally, there are two possibilities: one, he doesn’t love you, or two, something in his life damaged his ability to extend trust. Trust is risky, and takes the willingness to be vulnerable. If he can’t do that, move on. There’s a third possibility, and it’s the hardest one to look in the eye: you don’t love him unconditionally; you love a version of him that you want him to be.