UCS responds: “We recognize that finding the right fit in a therapist can be tiring and difficult, but also believe that it can be incredibly helpful once that connection is made. It sounds as though you have heard from multiple sources that a more intensive therapy would be recommended, which indicates that you should not just give up. Please know that you can continue to seek additional referrals from UCS, and can also contact the emergency clinician if you become overwhelmed. Additional web based resources can be found on the UCS website: bc.edu/offices/counseling/external.html, there is Lean on Me, an anonymous student run peer support text line, can be reached at 617-553-6655, and pastoral counseling can be sought through Campus Ministry: bc.edu/offices/ministry/pastoral-counseling.html.”
How many students are section 12 each year? Isn’t it very TRAUMATIZING to be sectioned?
I imagine that would be traumatizing, but section 12 is used only in cases where the alternative might lead to the harm of self or others, which could likely ultimately be more traumatizing than being sent involuntarily for care. I have assurances that my assistants are working diligently on getting answers to these questions. I am grateful for your patience.
I am going to Cancun for spring break and am really scared – my friends want to do drugs I am allergic to them
If your friends can’t respect that, there’s a big problem with them. Peer pressure to use drugs is ugly enough to begin with, without adding the risk of allergic reactions to the mix. It’s just a few days away, but I hope you can be firm about your intentions and get some agreement from them before heading there. And have a fantastic trip!
What is the quickest way to end it all?
I’m sorry you’re feeling that bad. Please contact the suicide hotline (800-273-8355) right away, and/or immediately call Counseling Services (617-552-3310) or visit them in Gasson 001 and ask to speak to with the Psychological Emergency Clinician (PEC). If it’s not during work hours, call BC Police (617-552-4444) if you’re on campus or 911 if not. I and many, many people want you to get past this bad moment, and are ready to help.
Can a student be required to go on a LOA for suicide attempt?
I will have my assistants find out which office you need to talk to for this information.
Update from the Dean of Students office: “No, a student cannot be required to go on a leave of absence just for a suicide attempt. The university does, however, have an Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy (bit.ly/BC-inv-LOA) that can be applied in extreme/rare circumstances, e.g. in situations where a student demonstrates behavior that poses a threat to health or safety or is significantly disruptive to the University learning environment. Even when used, this policy requires an individualized assessment of the situation and every attempt would be made to find solutions that are not mandated leaves. Over the last few years, this policy has been applied only a couple of times. If you would like to talk with someone more about this policy, please contact Caroline Davis, Associate Dean for Student Outreach & Support at caroline.davis.2@bc.edu, 617-552-3470 or by stopping by 448 Maloney Hall to schedule an appointment.”
What is the best hospital around the area? Which hospital does BC transport students to most frequently?
“Best” hospital could be defined in any number of ways. There are many hospitals in the area that are among the best in the country by a variety of measures: Mass General, Beth Israel, Brigham & Women’s, Children’s, & Tufts are all national leaders. I will have my assistants look into whether there is data available on the most common destinations for BC students. (Keep in mind, though, that decision is up to the student if they are conscious.)
What do I do when I want to give up?
It depends on what you want to give up. Activities that interfere with a healthy and productive life can be given up with effort and determination but don’t need much deliberation. Giving up on a course, job or relationship require much more thought and probably input from trusted friends. If you are giving up on yourself, please seek help from supportive people and professionals- they will help you find hopeful options that may not occur to you if you keep your feelings to yourself (UCS is a good starting place if you don’t know where to begin: bit.ly/BC-counseling)
Too overwhelmed
Don’t go it alone! Please get in touch with Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling), The Connors Family Learning Center (bit.ly/BC-connors), Campus Ministry (bit.ly/bc-campus-ministry) and/or your advisor, depending on what’s overwhelming you.
Any good strategies/tips on how to catch norovirus? I wanna get out of an exam.
I assure you, this is not a smart way to avoid an exam. Catching norovirus is distressingly easy though. As per the opposite of CDC advice (bit.ly/CDCNoNoro), eschew hand-washing, dine out at questionable eateries, and snack on unwashed fruit. But really, don’t. Go, do your best on the exam, and be well!
Why is everyone around me so sure of what they want to do?
Are you sure they’re sure? They might not be so sure. That said, “fake it ’til you make it” actually does work a surprising amount of the time.
I’ve been experiencing pain and burning during sex… what do I do? ?
So sorry to hear you’ve been experiencing pain and the blues. To rule out an infection, think about making an appointment with a doctor at University Health Services to discuss your concerns. bit.ly/BostonCollegeHealth
How to not be sick.
No guarantees, but establishing healthy living practices will probably increase your odds. Maybe schedule a meeting with the Office of Health Promotion (bit.ly/BC-health-promo) to develop an individual health plan (iHP)?
How to overcome low self-esteem?
First of all, you’re awesome! Low self-esteem can come from a variety of sources, so it depends partly on what’s causing it. A common cause is repeating negative stories about yourself, perhaps without even being aware that it’s happening. I recommend contacting Counseling Services to learn more about how you can function best. Meanwhile, there are some helpful apps, like
Should I stop cracking my neck/back?
Cracking your neck and back can bring relief to a stiff joint, but it’s important to make sure that you aren’t forcing cracks by using your hands on your head or forcing a twist in your back beyond what is comfortable. There are many delicate nerves as well as ligaments that can be damaged by forced manipulation. If you feel as though your neck and back are stiff, try some gentle stretching, yoga, or using a foam roller. If you’re not getting any relief, look for a Chiropractor! They are properly trained in freeing up your joints.
How to balance health and academic. I am in lots of physical pain every day.
Inside Chronic Pain (bit.ly/BC-inside-chronic-pain – click on Books at JSTOR) by Lous Heshusius, provides a first-hand account of 10 years of treating her chronic pain and talks about the importance of rooting oneself in the present. Another book, Mayo Clinic on Chronic Pain (bit.ly/mayo-chronic – click on EBSCOhost eBooks) provides strategies for finding the balance you’re looking for. I hope you’re using accommodations available to you under ADA rules; contact Disability Services (disabsrv@bc.edu) if you haven’t done so already. Your day-to-day efforts are truly heroic; make sure you let folks help you.
Why’s this semester so much more tiring than the last
Spring semester always seems to be rougher on humans than fall. With fall you have all the energy saved up from the summer, but spring semester starts suddenly and it tends to be cold and snowy, and that makes everything a little more physically challenging, too. Take care of yourself. Get lots of rest. Try and stay cozy and warm.
Why is it so cold in Boston?
It has always been thus. Actually, it’s not as cold as it once was. The “Little Ice Age” that bedeviled Europe & North America for several hundred years ended at about the onset of the 20th Century. Colonial era Boston was much colder than now. For warmth, I recommend the hot chocolate at El Pelon and a scarf and hat.
How can I overcome my homophobic parents so they can get to know my girlfriend?
You should try to bring them along rather than “overcome” them. It is you they most care about, and their understanding and acceptance of your relationship has to start with accepting your LGBTQ identity. The process is easy for some parents and nearly impossible for others, so it is hard for me to say what will work for them. If they are into support groups, PFLAG may be helpful (pflag.org).
Do I have to pee?
Yes, you really have to. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (bit.ly/UNeed2P), acute urinary retention may be life-threatening, and will cause major discomfort. If the question is “Do I have to pee right now?” rather than “do I have to pee… ever?” I’ll leave that up to you!
It’s so cold I can fell the moisture freezing in my nostrils when I inhale :O
Yeah, it’s been really cold. There’s some variation in answers to how cold it has to be for that, but a trusted source says under ten degrees Fahrenheit. http://bit.ly/bc-freeze.