How can I help a close friend if I suspect she has an eating disorder and conversations haven’t gotten through in the past?
So good that she has a friend who cares enough to help with this. I would approach The Office of Health Promotion ( or possibly Counseling Services ( and ask them the best way to talk to your friend about the issue – they have a lot of experience with this.
What do I do if I feel like my life is falling apart and I can’t sleep b/c I’m anxious all the time?
Stress and anxiety is a normal part of the college experience, but there is no need to go through this alone! And, it is particularly important to address the issue when it is impacting your sleep. Please talk to the Counseling Center:, office hours 7:45am-8:45pm M-F. Appt’s via phone (617-552-3310) or in office (Gasson 001). They can help you to address both the sleeplessness and the anxiety. Good luck!
Today’s generations are heavily tattoo. Some will inevitably suffer dementia. Will tattoo help them sustain their memories or baffle them?
Interesting question! The tattoos will certainly help authorities identify someone if they can’t recall who or where they are. For now, neither Psycinfo nor PubMed return relevant results with the search tattoo* AND dementia. But I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.
Do not go this alone! Feelings of despondency come to many people during their college years. Please talk to the Counseling Center (, office hours 7:45am-8:45pm M-F. Appt’s via phone (617-552-3310) or in office (Gasson 001). Wishing you brighter days ahead.
What should I do if I’m really really depressed…I want to take a gap year 🙁
First I will say that if you’re depressed, I highly recommend talking to someone about those feelings. They are natural, common, and you deserve as much happiness as anyone else in the world. BC counseling ( can help you work through some of what you’re feeling. As for a gap year, that’s not necessarily a bad idea. Taking some time away from school may help you re-focus and provide a broader context for your studies. If you do decide to take a gap year, I recommend trying to make the best of the time by working in a field you’re interested in or gaining other quality life experiences.
I would say the wisdom teeth. These are the reasons: a. They are useless b. They can misalign the jaw and impede dental hygene c. They are extremely painful to remove Another possibility is the interstitium, which was undiscovered until recently, and yet may be the largest organ.
It’s possible to have too much milk from both the supply and consumption angles. For the former, I found this recent open access review article on PubMed:; and while this systematic review of “Daily milk consumption and all-cause mortality” ( found no clear evidence of increased risk, there are certainly individuals for whom excess consumption of milk is a hazard.
That can be difficult. When I feel myself getting impatient or angry or frustrated, I try to stop, step back, and breathe (as much as a Wall is able to do those things). Sometimes I need to focus on something else–something nice, like the trees outside the doorway, or something I am grateful for, like all the people who pass by and ask me questions. And sometimes I don’t succeed and am impatient with someone. (Not even the Wall is perfect.)
My friends say the more they can stay stress free and relaxed the less likely they are to become impatient. They recommend regular breathing–usually attached to some meditation or yoga. And staying healthy by eating and sleeping well and getting some exercise (maybe a nice walk around the reservoir). Listening to music–classical or whatever works best for you–can help in situations where you need to wait. Good luck; I think just by asking you are already on the way to being more mindful of yourself and your reactions.
What should I do, my friend is about to start dating a guy we both know is toxic. How much can I do?
Unfortunately, it is all too common to see a loved one make a romantic choice that you may not agree with. There isn’t a lot you can do in this situation, but my advise is that you continue to be there for your friend. This does not mean you have to lie about how you feel about the guy your friend is dating or spend time with him, but just be there for your friend. Talk about other things and try to spend time together away from the guy they are dating. And, if you think that the guy is toxic in a dangerous way, know that there are support structures available for you on campus, including Counseling Services (
I’m not sure if you mean the weather or your health, but in either case you have my sympathy. This year has been a very bad one for respiratory infections, and March has been a doozy when it comes to wintry misery. IAAWNAD, so here is the wisdom from the CDC on how to deal with colds (and when to see a doctor): Looking at he NWS long range forecast ( there is a 44%chance that Apr-Jun will be above normal temps, and only a 24% chance they will be below normal – so take heart!
Why the TML (Theology Library) doesn’t have proper access to people with disabilities
I have reached out to our friends at BC Facilities to get an answer. I’ll let you know as soon as I have one.
The TML is old enough that it is not legally required to meet modern accessibility standards. However, because of your question, BC is going to look at the doors to see if they can be improved.
I sincerely hope studying and researching in O’Neill at night is less harrowing than the mad world of animatronics at Freddie Fazbear’s Pizza! Though I have to admit, humans have told me that the automated lights in the stacks going on and off can be a little creepy at night, and once the library empties out after 2am, the lively sounds of a building are more audible. But don’t worry, that’s just me and my friends keeping the building dry and cozy for you and the books. If you find the feeling of being in a harrowing video game IRL doesn’t dissipate, you might want to talk to someone about it. The folks at the counseling office are there for exactly this kind of conversation:
How to help a friend who insists they don’t have a problem?
Sometimes the best thing you can do for a friend is just to be there for them. Let them know that you are there to talk, help, offer support, etc. And, try to do so in a supportive and non-judgmental way. However, if you think that their problem is a more serious one with which they need professional help, do know that there are services on campus that are available to both of you. You may want to talk to Counseling Services ( yourself or you may want to encourage your friend to do so.
Why do we get a sense of deja-vu with places we’ve never been before? And in dreams?
Wow, we just acquired newly-published book on this (but I feel like I’ve seen it before….!) The cognitive neuropsychology of déjà vu, QP360.5 .M68 2018. It has a chapter on “Theories of déjà vu formation” which will probably answer your questions.
can you please find whoever bought the ultra fine toilet paper for campus and ask them to stop being so cheap? its inhumane, i’m cutting my hands trying to get TP out of the holder because it rips when you pull it. [Reply 1]: I second this. The paper is so thin that I need to get a lot of it and fold everytime. And also it rips easily. [Reply 2]: Yes!!!TP all over makes the restrooms look filthy when they’re not
Facilities Management says they have received a few other complaints as well, and are meeting with the vendor to look at better options.
Yes. The concept that one needs a perfect body (whatever that is) to wear a swimsuit baffles me, but then again, I don’t fret the clothing issue much. Wear what pleases you! How do you like mine?
Luckily, both Spring Break and the Easter long weekend are coming up soon. Can you schedule a trip home during one of those breaks? In the meantime, try calling, FaceTiming, Skyping, or emailing your friends and family back home or putting up pictures from home to help bring a piece of home to the BC campus. Homesickness is a natural part of many people’s college experience, so whatever you decide to do, know that many people are struggling with this same feeling. If the struggle is getting you down and none of these suggestions help, you might want to talk to Counseling Services ( as well.
It’s not unusual that the idea of death should cross our minds on occasion. There is much to alarm us in the news (deaths from flu; school shootings, etc.) Or perhaps someone we love or know is ill or has recently passed. Or perhaps we’re just in an existential frame of mind. The Libraries has a range of material that might be useful in grappling with this issue, including “Nothing to be frightened of,” a memoir by Julian Barnes (O’Neill PR6052 A6657 Z46 2008); or perhaps “Treating health anxiety and fear of death: A practitioner’s guide,” which is more of a toolset for clinicians and counselors (Social Work Library RC531 F87 2007); or “Be Not Afraid: Overcoming the Fear of Death (Theology & Ministry Library BT825 A69 2002), a compilation of stories of people who did just that. If you find that your fear is persistent and/or interfering with your daily life, please contact Counseling Services at for help.
If you’re wondering why people don’t care about their appearance, IDK. Probably many reasons, one of which might be that they’re concerned about more important things than how they look to other people; however, sometimes those “more important” things are depression & anxiety. If you’re concerned about someone in particular, if the opportunity presents itself, ask them how they’re doing. Sometimes, just an expression of concern can really brighten someone’s day. (I hope I’ve understood your question correctly!)
Why do we have certain dreams? What is our brain doing?
Starting with Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, Western psychologists have had a lot to say about dreams. (The Interpretation of Dreams, by Freud: O’Neill BF1078 .F748 1999, Dreams by Carl Jung: online at Of course, humans have been interpreting dreams for millennia. For a very different perspective, you might also be interested in Ancestral power: the Dreaming, consciousness and aboriginal Australians, by Lynne Hume (O’Neill BL2610 .H86 2002) Neurologists generally take a more functional view: the brain reshuffles neural connections from the recent past to cement memories. The brain also uses certain sleep cycles to rinse toxins out of the brain ( that otherwise might lead to conditions like Huntington’s Disease or Alzheimer’s. IOW your dreams are for brainwashing.