Why can’t I go home <--same

Why can't I go home <--same
Why can’t I go home <–same

Thomas Wolfe had some thoughts on this exact question, although his story is a little funny. He wrote actual people from his hometown of Asheville, NC into his first book, Look Homeward, Angel (PS3545.O337 L6 1934). The townsfolk were angry at their depiction, so he left them out of his second book, Of Time and the River (PS3545.O33 O3x 1944). Being left out angered them even further, so he wrote You Can’t Go Home Again (PS3545.O337 Y6). Long story short: you may return to where you grew up, but as you mature and make your own path, you’ll find yourself making a new home.

How to organically foster self-love?

How to organically foster self-love?
How to organically foster self-love?

Love others. Note down daily what you’re grateful for. Be around other people a lot. When you’re angry or impatient with yourself, ask yourself whether you’d treat someone else so harshly. Give yourself as many second chances as it takes. Be part of something bigger than yourself. Read this short anecdote by Neil Gaiman about how universally human it is to fail to recognize your own successes: bit.ly/neil-gaiman-imposter.

Why do some people think weed is bad?

Why do some people think weed is bad?
Why do some people think weed is bad?

Marijuana contains a psychoactive chemical that alters how the user perceives the world. Some people may not like how marijuana affects a user’s behavior, or they may fear that use will escalate to more addictive substances. Regardless of how valid or subjective these concerns are, people will always have opinions about any substance that alters the user’s behavior. Scientific research has been difficult due to federal regulations, but now that marijuana is legal in more areas, we should expect to see more facts and fewer opinions on the matter.

Why do all good things have to end?

Why do all good things have to end?
Why do all good things have to end?

So that you can appreciate them while they exist. Everything ends eventually, and it is a fundamental part of the human experience to mourn the loss of good things and celebrate the end of bad. If you’re feeling sad about something in particular, know that there will be other things – experiences, people, events – that will come along. If you’re having trouble processing the loss of something deeply loved by you, you can always seek help from BC Counseling services:  bit.ly/BC-counseling. Otherwise, just know that this too will pass.

Why can’t I have boyfriend? Am I that ugly?

Why can't I have boyfriend? Am I that ugly?
Why can’t I have boyfriend? Am I that ugly?

Everyone is beautiful. And everyone is unique. You just need to find someone that’s your kind of unique. Patience is key here. If you’re having trouble meeting people you’re interested in and that are interested in you, try joining student groups. Meetups around Boston (meetup.com) can also help you find people with similar interests and break you out of the BC sphere. Keep searching! Everyone is beautiful and deserves to be treated as such.

If I get STD tested at BC will they bill my insurance?

If I get STD tested at BC will they bill my insurance?
If I get STD tested at BC will they bill my insurance?

One of my helpers had a chat with UHS; they can bill your insurance if you want, or you can self-pay with a credit card. If you pay by credit card, it gets listed as something fairly unspecific, like “lab tests”, if that is the concern, Again, if that’s the concern, and you go through insurance, it depends on what you (and your parents, possibly) have set up – you might want to call the insurance company directly. You can also speak to UHS (2-3225).

How can I face a bad time?

How can I face a bad time?
How can I face a bad time?

With help and support from your friends, family, and community! It is important to know that when you are going through a tough time, you don’t have to go through it alone. Perhaps you can turn to your family for support. If they are far away, consider FaceTime or Skype to get a chance to see them as you get their advice and support. Be sure to also lean on your friends too. Many of them are probably closer to your age and their perspective (and knowing what a large support network you have), can be helpful. Finally, don’t discount the value in getting professional help. If you are feeling down or even just struggling, there are resources at BC for you. Contact Counseling Services (http://bit.ly/BC-counseling) for information about the support they can offer. And of course, you can always come to me for advice or support along the way!

How can I help a close friend if I suspect she has an eating disorder and conversations haven’t gotten through in the past?

How can I help a close friend if I suspect she has an eating disorder and conversations haven't gotten through in the past?
How can I help a close friend if I suspect she has an eating disorder and conversations haven’t gotten through in the past?

So good that she has a friend who cares enough to help with this. I would approach The Office of Health Promotion (bit.ly/BC-health-promo) or possibly Counseling Services (http://bit.ly/BC-counseling) and ask them the best way to talk to your friend about the issue – they have a lot of experience with this.

What do I do if I feel like my life is falling apart and I can’t sleep b/c I’m anxious all the time?

What do I do if I feel like my life is falling apart and I can't sleep b/c I'm anxious all the time?
What do I do if I feel like my life is falling apart and I can’t sleep b/c I’m anxious all the time?

Stress and anxiety is a normal part of the college experience, but there is no need to go through this alone! And, it is particularly important to address the issue when it is impacting your sleep. Please talk to the Counseling Center: bit.ly/BC-counseling, office hours 7:45am-8:45pm M-F. Appt’s via phone (617-552-3310) or in office (Gasson 001). They can help you to address both the sleeplessness and the anxiety. Good luck!

Today’s generations are heavily tattoo. Some will inevitably suffer dementia. Will tattoo help them sustain their memories or baffle them?

Today's generations are heavily tattoo. Some will inevitably suffer dementia. Will tattoo help them sustain their memories or baffle them?
Today’s generations are heavily tattoo. Some will inevitably suffer dementia. Will tattoo help them sustain their memories or baffle them?

Interesting question! The tattoos will certainly help authorities identify someone if they can’t recall who or where they are. For now, neither Psycinfo nor PubMed return relevant results with the search tattoo* AND dementia. But I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.

What should I do if I’m really really depressed…I want to take a gap year :(

What should I do if I'm really really depressed...I want to take a gap year :(
What should I do if I’m really really depressed…I want to take a gap year 🙁

First I will say that if you’re depressed, I highly recommend talking to someone about those feelings. They are natural, common, and you deserve as much happiness as anyone else in the world. BC counseling (bit.ly/BC-counseling) can help you work through some of what you’re feeling. As for a gap year, that’s not necessarily a bad idea. Taking some time away from school may help you re-focus and provide a broader context for your studies. If you do decide to take a gap year, I recommend trying to make the best of the time by working in a field you’re interested in or gaining other quality life experiences.

Strangest body part? Why?

Strangest body part? Why?

I would say the wisdom teeth. These are the reasons: a. They are useless b. They can misalign the jaw and impede dental hygene c. They are extremely painful to remove Another possibility is the interstitium, which was undiscovered until recently, and yet may be the largest organ.