Why can’t I connect with anyone?

Why can't I connect with anyone?
Why can’t I connect with anyone?

Making friends is very hard – so many things have to go right. As you grow older, you spend less time with a given group of people, and that makes it even harder to find friends. In high school, there’s tons of opportunity to make friends since you’re with (mostly) the same people for hours a day. In college, that’s less true. All you can do is continue to join clubs and put yourself out there. If you’re feeling lonely or depressed, you can also reach out to Counseling Services which might be able to give you more personal advice: bit.ly/BC-counseling.

What is the best way to pick up girls in the library?

What is the best way to pick up girls in the library?
What is the best way to pick up girls in the library?

Many people (including Bill and Hillary Clinton) have found love in a library, so you’re choice of location has promise. Otherwise, picking up someone in a library doesn’t differ much from anywhere else. Make eye contact and determine if the other person is interested in you. If they might be, start a conversation with some general questions to see how interested they really are. Leave the area if you make them uncomfortable (you don’t want to become a stalker). And if you’re trying to pick up a librarian, here are some lines that don’t work (bit.ly/pickup-librarian)

How to keep freshness during a relationship?

How to keep freshness during a relationship?
How to keep freshness during a relationship?

Taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill together can be very refreshing. Maybe try salsa dancing? Learning Icelandic? Also recognizing that while there will always be some fresh things, because we grow and change, constant novelty is not necessarily key to maintaining a relationship; on the flip side you get the richness of shared experience as time goes by.

What is the best place to have sex in the O’Neill?

What is the best place to have sex in the O'Neill?
What is the best place to have sex in the O’Neill?

The best place to have sex is somewhere that you feel safe and that you have permission to be in. As for O’Neill, there aren’t exactly a lot of secret passages or corridors or stacks you can get lost in like some other libraries. The stacks in the library have study spaces scattered throughout, which means that anyone could come along at any time. Similarly, the 5 floors of space we do have are pretty densely populated by staff (office space is a chronic problem on campus). Nevermind the fact that the walls can talk. O’Neill is a less than ideal spot for a private act like sex. Best of luck to you in finding your best sex space.

Is it bad if your bf likes weed over you?

Is it bad if your bf likes weed over you?
Is it bad if your bf likes weed over you?

Yes, this seems like it is bad. IAAWNAP, but I would argue both that you deserve more than this, and that if he is placing his use of substances over his relationships, it’s a red flag that he should consider seeking help about it. Why not contact Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling) and running your question by them?

How can I ask a cute guy in one of my classes if he’s into fisting without coming across as too forward?

How can I ask a cute guy in one of my classes if he's into fisting without coming across as too forward?
How can I ask a cute guy in one of my classes if he’s into fisting without coming across as too forward?

I don’t think there is a reserved way to ask a stranger if they’re into fisting. You could (and probably should) get to know him VERY well before you ask him. Alternatively, you could start with a conversation about more typical sexual interests and then see where his limits are. Whatever approach you take, please respect any indication that he is uncomfortable with the conversation and stop before you cross a line.

What advice would you give to a freshman who feels out of place in their social circle?

What advice would you give to a freshman who feels out of place in their social circle?
What advice would you give to a freshman who feels out of place in their social circle?

At BC it seems that people branch out every year & meet new people to add to their social circle, even in senior year! So, don’t feel like it’s too late. One of the best ways to meet new people is to join clubs. Next year go to the Club Fair. Stop by a lot of tables & start going to events. Get involved in Campus Ministry and if you have a faith tradition start attending campus services. You’ll be meeting other people with similar interests and friendships will follow. : )

Why won’t my Bumble bf love me?

Why wont my Bumble bf love me?
Why won’t my Bumble bf love me?

🙁 Well it may just be possible that you two aren’t a good match. The nice thing about Bumble is that women get to make the first move, so you clearly saw something in him. But it’s possible that he’s not feeling the same way. As you know with Bumble, there are plenty of bees in the hive, so to speak, so you can always keep searching. I know that you will find someone that does love you.

How do I make friends?

How do I make friends?
How do I make friends?

Make a list of things you enjoy doing. Make a list of people you’re acquainted with and/or organizations at BC (bit.ly/BCStudentGroups) or elsewhere (such as meetup.com) that do those things. Join organizations and do those things with them. Introduce yourself to people you’re doing them with. Repeat. When a conversation gets beyond names and weather, that’s a potential friend. Arrange to do something else with them that you both enjoy. Repeat. Celebrate their successes & birthdays, commiserate with their sorrows. Repeat. Suddenly, you realize you’ve been friends for decades. Repeat.

Is it douchey to quote your own book on a date?

Is it douchey to quote your own book on a date?
Is it douchey to quote your own book on a date?

You’ve had a book published? That’s fantastic! I have to admit if I were (not a wall and) on a date, and I had written a book – yep, I’d find a way to slip it into the conversation. But lightly, and just once, or save it for the second date. Probably best to focus on your date, and finding out about him or her.

Why are girls so complicated?

Why are girls so complicated?
Why are girls so complicated?

Possibly because they are actual human beings with lives, thoughts, dreams, skills, and issues of their own. Really, who isn’t complicated, once you take a good look? Life is complex and messy, and people reflect that in how they relate to each other. Honesty, conversation, and acceptance can work wonders, but are no guarantee the other party (of any gender) isn’t going to surprise you.

Why can’t I have boyfriend? Am I that ugly?

Why can't I have boyfriend? Am I that ugly?
Why can’t I have boyfriend? Am I that ugly?

Everyone is beautiful. And everyone is unique. You just need to find someone that’s your kind of unique. Patience is key here. If you’re having trouble meeting people you’re interested in and that are interested in you, try joining student groups. Meetups around Boston (meetup.com) can also help you find people with similar interests and break you out of the BC sphere. Keep searching! Everyone is beautiful and deserves to be treated as such.

I’m a comp sci major. How do I make friends?

I'm a comp sci major. How do I make friends?
I’m a comp sci major. How do I make friends?

You make friends the same way those in any other major do- talk to people, find common interests, and let the friendships grow. You probably won’t find a friend that is interested in all of the same things you like. You might start by finding different people to share your different interests. Some of those get togethers are likely to grow into more meaningful and rich friendships.

Why does everyone look for love, but no one wants to give it?

Why does everyone look for love, but no one wants to give it?
Why does everyone look for love, but no one wants to give it?

I disagree that no one wants to give love. I try to give love whenever someone wants it. If you think nobody is giving love, you may need to adjust your definition of it. People show their love and give it in many different ways. It could be that you are showered in love that you just aren’t seeing. Keep an open mind and you may be surprised by how much love is out there.

From a guy, how do I ask another guy out, especially if I don’t know whether their straight, gay, or bisexual?

From a guy, how do I ask another guy out, especially if I don't know whether their straight, gay, or bisexual?
From a guy, how do I ask another guy out, especially if I don’t know whether their straight, gay, or bisexual?

Before you ask him out, you should know if he is straight, gay or bi. The best way to determine this is to get to know him first. This is true of any potential partner. Ask him to lunch, or study together, or go to a game. When it feels right, tell him you’re gay (or bi). If he’s into you too, he’ll let you know.

How do I de-friend someone? (IRL)

How do I de-friend someone? (IRL)
How do I de-friend someone? (IRL)

It’s hard, but sometimes you’ve got to do it. If it’s a close friend, you really should talk with them, and be honest but as gentle as you can. Sometimes (only if it is the truth), you can leave the door open for renewing the friendship when things change in your lives; it does happen, even after bad friend breakups. Though “ghosting” or just disappearing from someone’s life is currently in disfavor, you can gradually reduce your contact with less close friends and the friendship often just fades away.