Why do men suck

Why do men suck
Why do men suck

I’m guessing something bad happened to you recently; I’m really sorry to hear that. Everyone sucks a little bit sometimes, and men are no exception to that for sure. I hope you find someone really great (or find out more about yourself in the process). *wall hugs*

Alternate Answers: men may particularly suck because 1) toxic masculinity teaches men to repress their feelings + refuse vulnerability, resulting in violence toward others 2) patriarchy and androcentrism mal-form men into distorted senses of their own power + authority over others, esp. women
Alternate Answers: men may particularly suck because 1) toxic masculinity teaches men to repress their feelings + refuse vulnerability, resulting in violence toward others 2) patriarchy and androcentrism mal-form men into distorted senses of their own power + authority over others, esp. women
Alternate - Toxic Masculinity isn't a thing and claiming it is harms men (& women for that matter) everywhere
Alternate – Toxic Masculinity isn’t a thing and claiming it is harms men (& women for that matter) everywhere

Here are a thousand books on the topic in O’Neill Library: bit.ly/BC-books-masculinity. I recommend, for those who doubt that there are forms of masculinity that are a problem, Men Explain Things to Me, by Rebecca Solnit (O’Neill Library & Social Work Library HQ1155 .S667 2014). I recommend for those who would classify all forms of masculinity as a problem Niall Hanlon’s Masculinities, Care and Equality (O’Neill Library BF692.5 .H36 2012)

Thanks for the book recommendations on both sides of the topic, I'll look into them. you rock answer wall!
Thanks for the book recommendations on both sides of the topic, I’ll look into them. you rock answer wall!

You’re welcome! And thanks for the compliment (Blushing!) The way I roll is not so much seeing “both sides” as being aware that there are many, many perspectives. I contain multitudes. (Of books!)