Every weekday morning before 8am.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
The first therapy dog visit of the semester is in the works for early to mid-October. Watch for specifics on the libraries’ FB page and elsewhere. (Maybe one of my acolytes will remember to post a note here.)
This just in! Joe the dog has confirmed he’ll visit on Friday, October 5 at 3:004:00pm 4:00pm. And now Juno the dog has confirmed for 6:00pm on Wednesday, October 10! And Spencer at 11:00am on the 10th!
Thanks for the update on possible small furry quadruped guests. I prefer larger bipedal guests, who don’t tend to chew on wiring. (It tickles.) I will pass along your observations to those who can do something about the situation.
Thanks for the feedback! O’Neill does provide chargers for the following brands: Apple, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Samsung, Sony, Asus and Acer. An order for Surface chargers has been placed and these should be available for loan shortly.
Unfortunately, it is a case of waiting to be called for an interview. Due to the number of applications, the library is unable to respond to each candidate. Rest assured that supervisors are actively reviewing applications and trying to identify students whose availability and experience are a match for their needs. Hang in there.
One of the Library’s main objectives is to provide users with professional, courteous and timely service. If you feel that our customer service needs improvement, please contact Rodrigo Castro, Head Librarian for Access Services at 617-552-4834, or at castrord@bc.edu.
It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity. The cool temps in libraries are a side-effect of the primary reason for the A/C: to keep books from getting moist. Mold & mildew thrive in moist environments, and when they thrive, they destroy paper. Too keep the books dry, libraries run the A/C a little more than humans like. Keeping paper dry, in fact, was the reason behind the invention of the first A/C by Willis Carrier – read about it here: bit.ly/Atlantic-AC. Ever notice how the stereotypical librarian image involves a cardigan? Brrr! Librarians agree!
Sorry for your trouble! Our staplers do seem to grow legs of their own, and have been found all over the library during round-ups. I will have my assistants speak with the stapler wranglers about increasing the frequency of round-ups and stapler refills. In the meantime, you can also find staplers at the reference and circulation desks.
Sorry about the temperature! We’ve had this complaint before, and I will send it again to the folks who oversee temperatures. The problem is this: the temperature is more for the sake of the books than for humans. Books like it best in a pretty narrow range of temperatures and humidity that unfortunately is a little lower than is comfortable for some humans sitting and reading. (Did you ever wonder why the stereotypical librarian is wearing a cardigan? Wonder no more.) Try any classroom building, or if you don’t mind a little activity, one of the dining areas. Or bring a cardigan?
It looks like the problem with being too cold on June 1 may have been overcorrected! You can report any problem anywhere on campus by logging into your Portal account and clicking on the link for Facilities Work Ticket. Allow the App to find your location and you can report that the building is too hot. If you want a cooler place to study visit the Theology and Ministry Library on the Brighton Campus. My cousin, the bulletin board in the lobby, tells me it’s 63 degrees there!
I’m so sorry you’re cold. So are my human assistants. I’ll report the cold, but don’t get your hopes up too high. Have you ever noticed that part of the stereotypical outfit of a librarian is a cardigan? The library isn’t chilled for our comfort; it’s for the books. They don’t need to be cold, per se, but they do need to be kept dry, and the most efficient way to do that is to remove moisture with an air-conditioning system. Above a certain temperature and humidity, molds begin to multiply, and mold is the the #1 enemy of paper. (Fire is also a problem, of course, but much rarer.) So, my assistants all sympathize, but there’s little we can recommend but to either a) wander the library in search of a less chilled area or b) join the library fashion-world and don a cardigan.
There has been a recent increase in thefts of personal items in O’Neill Library. Please keep your belongings with you – especially easy-to-grab valuable items like laptops, smartphones, purses & wallets, and costly jackets – even if you’re just getting up for a minute. It makes me sad when someone’s belongings are stolen; I wish I could do more than watch silently. BC Police have increased their presence here to in order to protect your valuables.
The “random guy w/ white hair” is far from random. He’s Jeff, and he’s been on the library staff for many years. (He has also bumped into BC students in the San Juan, PR airport and on a mountaintop.) You’ll see him and other staff counting, because the library is currently assessing space usage to help determine space needs, seating preference, and the effectiveness of furniture configurations. To assist with this study, library employees have been conducting head-counts three times per day, every day. This part of the project will end on May 18.
It seems to me that columns, cornices, balconies, windows, and rooflines have enough admirers. What about the walls that hold it all together? For this reason I lean towards Bauhaus, esp. Walter Gropius, who started The Architects Collaborative, the group that designed my walls (bit.ly/oneill-architects). Thumbs up for O’Neill Library!