You can submit an application through the links to the form here: library.bc.edu/student-employment. Best of luck – I love working here. If you don’t get hired this time, keep trying each semester.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
You can submit an application through the links to the form here: library.bc.edu/student-employment. Best of luck – I love working here. If you don’t get hired this time, keep trying each semester.
Yes! We welcome visitors from everywhere. You can browse and read our books here, use our guest computers to access most of our electronic journals and databases, get research help at the Reference Desk, ask The Answer Wall (me) anything, and if you want you can pay to get a card to check out books. More info on guest access: bit.ly/BCLibGuest.
It works for me very well, but for you living and breathing (and needing food and sleep and showers) types, I think it would get very unpleasant pretty quickly!
This is totally library! As are our other 7 libraries: Bapst (arts), Theology and Ministry Library (TML) on the Brighton campus, Law on the Newton campus, Educational Resource Center (ERC) in Campion, Social Work Library in McGuinn, Burns (special collections and archives), and the Catherine O’Connor Library at Weston Observatory (seismology). Also, our online presence, library.bc.edu is very library.
The oldest book in the BC Libraries is in Burns Library. It is Jean Gerson’s De Spiritualib[us] Nupciis (On Spiritual Marriage) from about 1470. Lots more info about it, and a link to the digital version, here: bit.ly/ReallyOldBook.
Beautiful Gargan Hall in the Bapst Library may be just the ticket for you; not nearly as bright as O’Neill. You may want to try our study animal quiz (library.bc.edu/animal) designed to help you find your perfect study space.
Can you legitimately make someone love you? Certainly, you can take the initiative in starting a conversation and inviting your crush to spend some time with you. Then my advice is to be your best authentic self and see where it goes. I can’t think of a better place than a library to find true love.
As a resident of O’Neill, I can understand the attraction! We can’t install a shower, but the bathrooms all have soap and paper towels. We don’t have laundry machines, so please bring lots of clothing. Also, you can only live here while we have 24/7 hours, after that you’ll need to find somewhere else to spend the night. Welcome home!
Why is it so cold on the 4th floor near the windows??
I’m sorry you were uncomfortably cold! Heating a big building like this has its challenges, and great big windows, which let in a lot of cold along with the light, is one of them. I’ll alert my human assistants about the cold, and see if anything can be done about it.
I know the soda and coffee machines aren’t the most reliable ever. They’re much more mechanically complex than vending machines, which means they break more. While we do try to report issues, it is ultimately up to the companies (Coca Cola and A&B Vending) to fix them. But, ANYONE can call or email them whenever they’re broken, so feel free to contact them yourself. You can also use your One Card at the vending machines across the atrium on floor 2 next to the Center for Teaching Excellence.
I sincerely hope studying and researching in O’Neill at night is less harrowing than the mad world of animatronics at Freddie Fazbear’s Pizza! Though I have to admit, humans have told me that the automated lights in the stacks going on and off can be a little creepy at night, and once the library empties out after 2am, the lively sounds of a building are more audible. But don’t worry, that’s just me and my friends keeping the building dry and cozy for you and the books. If you find the feeling of being in a harrowing video game IRL doesn’t dissipate, you might want to talk to someone about it. The folks at the counseling office are there for exactly this kind of conversation: bit.ly/BC-counseling
Despite their organized appearance, research libraries are hoarders by nature and get rid of very little. The BC Libraries do take books out of circulation, but they are not the cool ones. Items are removed usually because they are falling apart, have been superseded by later or digital editions, or have not been used in many years. Trust me when I say they have little value except to the recycler.
Sigh… if I had legs & arms & could walk and feed and snuggle with puppy, I’d want more than one. I’ll put in a word with my assistants, but don’t hold your breath. I suspect there might be a hitch or two, such as a responsibility to patrons who are afraid of dogs or allergic to them, and I’m sure the lawyers will have something to say about liability. Being human must be so difficult!
You are not the first to request this. Library staff met with people to determine the logistics and cost. Apparently it is not so simple or cheap. I’ll forward your request and try to start the conversation yet again, even if I end up IN hot water rather than supplying it.