Is gay ok? Am I valid? I feel inferior to all of my family, and like I don’t belong. Why do I feel this way? I hope you find this!

Being gay is absolutely okay. I’m so sorry to hear that there are people in your life who have made it feel like it isn’t okay. You’re completely deserving of love, respect, and acceptance. The way you feel is unfortunately common and there are resources on campus to help you work through your own feelings and find support and connection with other students who have similar experiences: . There are plenty of people out there who will love you exactly as you are and I hope that you’re able to find those people and surround yourself with them.

What do you think about the restructuring of BAIC, and have a straight male who does not have a good reputation toward lgbtq+ population serving as the director of such services?

The BAIC restructure will bring people together which should increase awareness of intersectionality and create a more welcoming and inclusive BC. I’ve heard that Student Affairs will also be hiring someone to provide additional support for BC’s LGBTQ+ students – and more support is always a good thing.

Is BC racist?

Is BC racist?
Is BC racist?

Racism is endemic and systemic everywhere in the US, so it’s not a simple yes/no question. BC is taking steps to counter racism, such as the annual Diversity and Inclusion Summit, many events sponsored by AHANA, the African and African Diaspora Studies (AADS) program, MLK Unity Breakfast, Courageous Conversations, Forum on Racial Justice, and many offices and divisions (such as BC Libraries) engaging in robust Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives …Could BC do better? Of course. So could we all.

What does “Pasture Poetry” mean? Does Edna St. Vincent Millay count?

What does "Pasture Poetry" mean? Does Edna St. Vincent Millay count?
What does “Pasture Poetry” mean? Does Edna St. Vincent Millay count?

Pastoral poetry is a genre of poetry originally about shepherds in natural settings that began with the Roman poet Virgil in the 1st C BC, and was revived in 16th C England by Edmund Spenser. It doesn’t adhere to a particular form. Many 20th and 21st C poets have pursued the theme. Edna St. Vincent Millay wrote a few that would seem to fit the theme, such as her often-anthologized “Afternoon on a Hill” ( For more info:

Will I get married to him?

Will I get married to him?
Will I get married to him?

My friend the Magic 8-Ball says “outlook good”, so that’s something. But while you’re thinking of the future, pay attention to the present. Getting today as right as possible is how you build toward a future like that.

Why is your mom so sexy?

Why is your mom so sexy?
Why is your mom so sexy?

She’s a sea wall, so her attraction lies in her strength and solidity. But admire her from afar; the wind is kicking up and things can get dangerous out there.

Suriname & Haiti are not Latin American countries.

Suriname & Haiti are not Latin American countries.
Suriname & Haiti are not Latin American countries.

It depends on how you’re defining Latin America. The term was originally employed by the French in the mid-1800’s, to refer to romance-language colonies, so if you’re ruling out Suriname on the basis of their official language (Dutch), it would be strange to rule out Haiti on the basis of their official language (French). And if you rule out Suriname, you may as well also rule out Guyana (officially English, though many languages are spoken), or perhaps Belize (also officially English, though in practice Spanish and indigenous languages are more common).

Am I more than my economic output?

Am I more than my economic output?
Am I more than my economic output?

Absolutely. Of course. No question. You are loved and valued and part of this and other communities and so so much more than your economic output. I am so glad you posted, you and everyone in this community make me so happy <3

What is a soulmate?

What is a soulmate?
What is a soulmate?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines soulmate as ” A person who shares a deep understanding or bond with another; esp. one ideally suited to another as a lover or spouse.” Sounds pretty nice to me!

Oatmilk or Almondmilk?

Oatmilk or Almondmilk?
Oatmilk or Almondmilk?

I only drink the milk of human kindness. My human assistants split 50/50 on this one as far as taste goes. The market for almonds driven by almond milk has put a lot of pressure on water supplies in arid regions, especially California.

What is the exact $ amount BC spent on landscaping last year?

What is the exact $ amount BC spent on landscaping
What is the exact $ amount BC spent on landscaping last year? I’ve heard rumors that it’s approx $70 million!

I asked Facilities about that a few years ago and they would not give me an exact amount, but said it was a relatively small share of their expenses with a great return on investment. Not gonna lie, I really like the cherry blossoms right now.