Why do we not have an LGBTQ+ Resource Center, and why are admin. not educated on LGBTQ+ topics?

Why do we not have an LGBTQ+ Resource Center, and why are admin. not educated on LGBTQ+ topics?
Why do we not have an LGBTQ+ Resource Center, and why are admin. not educated on LGBTQ+ topics?

The Office of the Dean of Students offers “support, education, outreach, programs, and opportunities” for LGBTQ+ according to the brochures just to the left of me. If you see shortcomings or think those offerings are insufficient, please reach out to them. The Dean of Students, Tom Morgan, said: “contact us at 617-552-8574 or stop by Maloney 448.”

What should I get my mom for Christmas?

What should I get my mom for Christmas?
What should I get my mom for Christmas?

The Wall likes that you’re thinking about your mom. If she’s someone who doesn’t need (or want) any stuff, how about an experience — a gift certificate to a tea house, or the fun local brunch place? If she’s sporty — tickets to a sporting event. Or concert tickets (The Rolling Stones are going on tour). Or a membership to a local museum. Giving in her honor to a charity is another option, for example: Heifer Project International (heifer.org/gift-catalog). If you prefer to go the traditional route, my helpers tell me that cashmere is always a winner.

How conservative is BC?

How conservative is BC? [Response: TOO conservative!]
How conservative is BC? [Response: TOO conservative!]
Students over the years have commented on this topic on online sites and in The Heights. Some think BC is conservative and some think it’s liberal. So it seems if you look at a continuum with radical liberal on one end and ultra-conservative on the other, BC would fall right in the middle, straddling both viewpoints but without a lot of examples of conspicuous expression. While it may sometimes be frustrating to those who are passionate about such things, this kind of open-minded environment can also afford an opportunity to more easily communicate with and understand those with differing opinions.

drawing of stress face

[drawing of stressed face]
(๑’Δ’๑) [drawing of stress face]
It’s a stressful time of the year. Wishing you peace and strength and calm. If you’re finding it overwhelming, please do contact Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling) or if you need a quick bit of help from a non-professional volunteer, you can try this free text-based counseling (not a BC service, available to anyone):: www.crisistextline.org/texting-in/. <3 <3 <3

How can I tell if I’m doing enough for my future?

How can I tell if I'm doing enough for my future?
How can I tell if I’m doing enough for my future?

Ultimately, you get to decide that, but there are lots of people you can talk to for advice – your academic advisor, University Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling) or the Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career). It’s great you’re thinking about it, and I trust you can find a balance between experiencing the now and working towards the future.

Is it bad to drink coffee at 3 am?

Is it bad to drink coffee at 3am?
Is it bad to drink coffee at 3 am?

According to this article in Science Translational Medicine (bit.ly/CoffeeZzz), late night coffee can really throw off your sleep patterns. I understand, sometime you have to stay awake, and coffee is very effective for that, but I wouldn’t do it on a regular basis.

做项目做彻夜,要升天了,怎么办?(I have worked on this project all night. I am dying. What should I do?)

做项目做彻夜,要升天了,怎么办?(I have worked on this project all night. I am dying. What should I do?)
做项目做彻夜,要升天了,怎么办?(I have worked on this project all night. I am dying. What should I do?)

Believe it or not, you will look back on these times fondly. (“Remember that time we watched the sunrise while we finished that project?”) Just make sure you sleep and eat when you can, and keep in mind that these intense times are temporary. Best of luck!


AM I ABLE TO SURVIVE THIS SEMESTER? @5:31AM [Responses: 不, 你 行. (Out of the question.), Only if you believe <3]
AM I ABLE TO SURVIVE THIS SEMESTER? @5:31AM [Responses: 不, 你 行. (Out of the question.), Only if you believe <3]

You really will survive this semester. Look for friends or family willing to listen to your struggles and give you the support and space you need, like the people who answered you here. Good luck with final projects and exams!

我想回家。(T▽T) [I want to go home…]

我想回家。[I want to go home...]
我想回家。(T▽T)  [I want to go home…]

Patience, patience. You’ll get home. In the meantime, you need to focus on the here and now, which is hard as the date to return gets closer and time seems almost to slow down. Try to focus on experiences you’ve had here that have been rewarding, and you might find the time actually passes more quickly.

Propose mechanism: (chemical equation)

Propose mechanism (chemical equation)
Propose mechanism (chemical equation)

I’m sure you’re wittig (:P) enough to do the work on this ylide formation on your own, but if you need resources, here’s a handy reference: bit.ly/wittig-reaction. (BTW, it’s “PPh3” not “PhP3”). According to a chemist friend, it might help to think of it as a war: Electrons are the ammo. Some atoms have extra, and we call those lone pairs. Phosphorus is one of these. Some atoms are vulnerable, like the carbon atom that the X is attached to. The lone pair on the phosphorus attacks the carbon, kicks off the X (it’s usually chloride), and now it’s attached to that carbon. The X is now floating around naked and afraid, so it grabs a hydrogen off that carbon it just left and now it’s happy. This creates a double bond between the carbon and the phosphorus, which is the ylide, and which will now go on to do the Wittig reaction.