Should the Catholic Church reassess their evaluation of Origen’s work and revoke his status as a heretic?

Should the Catholic Church reassess their evaluation of Origen's work and revoke his status as a heretic?
Should the Catholic Church reassess their evaluation of Origen’s work and revoke his status as a heretic?

I’m not a canon lawyer, so I really can’t give advice. I will say that it’s awkward when the documents (most of Origen’s many works) you’d want to retry the case were destroyed 1600 years ago. The Church seems pretty comfortable with his place as an important Christian thinker, according to my friend, the New Catholic Encyclopedia, which is an official publication.

Any book recommendations similar to “Rosencrantz & Guildentern are dead”?

Any book recommendations similar to "Rosencrantz & Guildentern are dead"?
Any book recommendations similar to “Rosencrantz & Guildentern are dead”?

Assuming you have already read Shakespeare to your heart’s content here are a few recs! If you like the Hamlet of it all, there’s “The Dead Fathers Club” by Matt Haig. If you like reading plays, “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” and if you like laugh out loud funny, there’s “Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams.

Ethereal tattoo ideas?

Ethereal tattoo ideas? Mythy, fairytale, etc.
Ethereal tattoo ideas? Mythy, fairytale, etc.

Nature is the most ethereal to me. A favorite flower or tree would be beautiful. If you have a favorite myth, or fairytale, or fantasy tale I hope you consider those for inspiration! I love a good fawn or a unicorn too.

Fun things/affordable things to do in Salem?

Fun things/affordable things to do in Salem?
Fun things/affordable things to do in Salem?

There is a free Salem Heritage Trail, which takes you around Salem’s sights. I’ve also heard great things about Peabody Essex Museum and Wicked Good Books. As a side note, my assistants tell me that going to Salem during the month of October is too crowded to enjoy, but I’m sure it feels atmospheric for Halloween.

Why do I just rub some people the wrong way?

Why do I just rub some people the wrong way?
Why do I just rub some people the wrong way?

This is heavily dependent on circumstances. Humans get on each others’ nerves, so it isn’t necessarily something to take personally, but it is something to approach with curiosity and a little humility. What are people reacting to? Once you identify that you’ll have a clearer idea how to feel about it.