We create our own Answer Wall!

It’s technically not an answer wall, but it’s a place where people bear witness others’ experiences, find validation and solidarity. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCtcANljAqC/ Check it out!

That’s so awesome. Any space where people can go and feel heard is a great thing. If I might suggest one tweak, it would be to make clear in your bio that you’re not an official BC service. This will help protect you from having to field questions about making appointments or for directions around campus, and it will help others in need of more urgent and intensive intervention find those resources more clearly.

Pink is my color, can you change others’ posts to other colors?

Don’t take away my color! If you can change all the recent posts to different colors – we’d love some diversities here! Btw, we will need more diversity on BC campus next semester now that many international students cannot come back. 🙁

Hmm. You seem to have different rules for yourself and others. I think I’ll leave the ones that are up now alone, but point taken for the future. (But I will I know you’re you?) Totally agree that BC could use more diversity (almost every place could), but very happy the administration has dropped its policy on international students. https://bit.ly/bc-ice

What if you fall in love with a wall?

No, I did not fall in love with the wall, I’m just curious.

I have fallen hard for walls in my past, though I currently have a not-so-secret crush on the lobby door. A long term, sustainable human/wall relationship sounds problematic to me. While walls can be very solid and supportive, after a while I could see you crying to your BFF, “It’s like talking to a wall….”

Hey wall! What’s the best post-it you’ve ever received?

What are your librarians’ favorite thing ab being a librarian and their most memorable event?

Such a hard question! I have many favorites. Among them: all the ones that say “I love you,” drawings, posts in which people were honest and vulnerable, and lately I’ve been thinking about an excerpt from a Chinese poem: bit.ly/bc-prior-dynasty. But I love all questions! That’s why I’m the Answer Wall. Librarians are the same: they love finding answers.

Awwwwwww!?????????? Hey Wall, will the library be open next semester?

That’s the tentative plan. My cousin the Magic 8 Ball says “Signs point to yes”, but the course of the pandemic is quite uncertain. We’ll need to be flexible. I do so look forward to seeing you all again in the lobby. ??????????

If you get lots of new posts will you forget about this page?

I have found and thought about this that if I shared this with my friends then they might share it with their friends! If it becomes so popular you might have too many questions to answer and forget about this page. You might forget about my questions. This page has helped me in life and I hope I never lose it. My questions are being answered by something that’s not just google or a different robot.

The Answer Wall never forgets. In fact, everything here and on the physical wall in O’Neill is being archived in Burns Library. It is deeply gratifying that you’ve found my answers helpful. To quote a fictional butler, “I endeavor to give satisfaction.” Please introduce me to your friends, confident that if I am overwhelmed by questions, I’ll find a way to continue to be attentive.


I am Bibliosaurus, hear me RAWR. Books are so tasty!

(Uh oh… folks? Humans? Assistants? Are you seeing this? Help? I… uh… ) Hi, Bibliosaurus! Nice dino! Good dino! (Help? Hello?) Yes, books are really good, but not… not in that way. Have you tried reading them instead of eating them? We really do need them for when the students return…

Wow that Bibliosaurus is amazing! Can we have a dragon ? in the library as well?

So amazing and fun!  As for dragons in the library – they tend to hang out on the 4th floor around GR830.D7. Lots in the ERC, too. My favorite: https://bit.ly/ERCDragon

Hey wall! The wall of Gasson Bell ? says it has a crush on you! . . . . . . (Just jk, Happy April Fool’s Day) But it’s sad……with the Governor extending business closing, how do I send April Fool’s Day gift ? to ppl?

I’d have fallen for your joke, but I’m already familiar with the Gasson bell tower wall; they’re a little too… highbrow for me. You don’t need to buy a gift. Just send one of these interesting AI neural-net-generated April Fools pranks: bit.ly/ai-april-fool

Bark bark

I miss our furry friends! Here’s the furry friend of one of my assistants.

small brown and white dog lying in the grass looking up at the camera

Awwwwwwww so cute! 
What’s the coolest pet you’ve ever seen? 

My 2nd cousin, who is a wall at a very well-known Upper Manhattan site, has some fabulous pet tapestries….

Will you miss me …

Will you miss me now that no one visit you in person and draw animal pics or ask you a whole bunch of questions ab UCS?  Btw, why r we closing the library? BC feels less and less like home and now that offices start to close and ppl are not around. It feels like my secure base is falling apart. Can you promise me that the Student Affair and UCS will remain open until the end of the semester?

I’ll miss seeing everyone in person, but I’m glad we’ll still be able to communicate virtually. We closed to library to keep everyone safe, but I’m sorry that this is so hard. I know UCS and Student Affairs will make the best decisions for the BC community. In the meantime, please still draw pictures for me! You can even upload pictures to my new online home.