Why is speculative fiction looked down upon?

Why is speculative fiction looked down upon?
Why is speculative fiction looked down upon?

It’s mostly snobbery. People from particular social and educational backgrounds dominate the publishing industry, including the prestigious book awards, and for a long time they have favored literary realism as a style–that’s a genre also, BTW. SF and mystery and romance were all originally written to be cheap entertainment for mass audiences. Parts of the Establishment still look down their noses at them. While other parts of the Establishment make billions of dollars from it. Read what you like.

Does Evan Hansen have a tree fetish?

I’m actually curious. I watched the musical 2 days ago and, ignoring how incredibly cringe it was, Evan seemed to have a …particular… obsession with trees, he often took pride in his tree-“knowledge” in situations that had more or less a semi-sexual mood. Also, can you recommend me any musicals? I’m trying to Take a Break from Hamilton (since I’ll be seeing it in June and, you know, Taking a Break before something as important as this is necessary to make the effect of watching it bigger and more impactful). I watched all Starkid and TinCanBros musicals and, of course, watched In The Heights. I really want something new to satisfy me for the time being until I watch, nay, experience Hamilton live. Then I’ll return to my daily schedule of watching it at least once a day on Disney+. sigh.

As a wall, I don’t have a Disney+ or Netflix account, but I do appreciate a good musical. If you’re looking for more Lin Manuel Miranda-realted content, my helpers have heard that Tick, Tick, Boom on Netflix was a great watch!

When can I get a job. -CSOM

When can I get a job. -CSOM
When can I get a job. -CSOM

When? The Magic 8 Ball says “Cannot predict now” but, know that there are wonderful resources to help you including the BC Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career) and the CSOM Undergraduate Advising Office (https://bit.ly/CSOM-advising). Also we have a wonderful CSOM librarian (Doug!) so swing by O’Neill and introduce yourself!

How to become rich?

How to become rich?
How to become rich?

You could: earn it, inherit it, marry into it, get it through investments, gambling, or robbery. There are certainly ethical considerations with any of these plans; I suggest a consultation with the Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career) as a good place to start.

Drawing of a Psyduck Pokemon

Drawing of a Psyduck Pokemon
Drawing of a Psyduck Pokemon

Oh no! It looks like Psyduck may have a bit of a headache. If midterms and research papers are giving you a headache, check out our Ask a Librarian services at bit.ly/BCLAsk to see if one of my librarian colleagues can help!

Why the food in BC Dining are so expensive? And even the snacks

Why the food in BC Dining are so expensive?? And even the snacks
Why the food in BC Dining are so expensive?? And even the snacks

There are actually some really positive reasons: BC Dining has been committed to paying a living wage to its employees, buying local and sustainable food, etc. None of this comes cheap!


True. BC is choosing to charge market prices, rather than pay for wages and supplies some other way.