BC学生树枝666 你食不食沙饼?

BC学生树枝666 你食不食沙饼? [BC xué shēng shù zhī 666. nǐ shí bù shí shā bǐng?] [Student’s quality of Boston College is great. you eat not eat sand cake? [Sand cake is a small round cake-like sweet from Guanxi province.]
BC学生树枝666 你食不食沙饼? [BC xué shēng shù zhī 666. nǐ shí bù shí shā bǐng?] [Student’s quality of Boston College is great. you eat not eat sand cake? [Sand cake is a small round cake-like sweet from Guanxi province.]

I’m so glad you like the student experience at Boston College! I’m sorry to report I haven’t eaten sand cake because I only eat post-its. My mother, a seawall on the north shore, enjoys an occasional sand snack, but I’m guessing a sand-cake is something else.