Is it bad to date during freshman year????

Is it bad to date during freshman year????
Is it bad to date during freshman year????

I don’t think so. Freshman year is such a great period of exploration in general. I would, however, caution about getting so involved with someone freshman year that you limit your other activities. On the other hand, dating seems like a much better option than the hook-up culture, so kudos to you for thinking about it.

I want to FALL in love w/ someone

I want to FALL in love w/ someone
I want to FALL in love w/ someone

Of course! It’s Fall. But sometimes it’s hard to let go of the fear of failure and rejection, as in the classic Chris Isaak song “Wicked Game”: “No I don’t want to fall in love (this girl is only gonna break your heart).” Confide in some good friends, and then take the plunge. May you succeed & feel that rush! If your love isn’t requited, well, that’s why you confided in your friends. They’ll be ready with whatever can console you.

My boyfriend of two days cheated on me with my ex-friend. How petty should I be? — As petty as u can & beat her ass. — Petty as hell — Girl they can f off.

My boyfriend of two days cheated on me with my ex-friend. How petty should I be? -- As petty as u can & beat her ass. -- Petty as hell -- Girl they can f off.
My boyfriend of two days cheated on me with my ex-friend. How petty should I be? — As petty as u can & beat her ass. — Petty as hell — Girl they can f off.

Oh dear! Run, don’t walk and don’t let the cheater take up any more of your time and emotional energy. There is someone out there who will treat you with the respect you deserve.

Can we start a library crush board?

Can we start a library crush board?
Can we start a library crush board?

Probably not, unfortunately. As you may have noticed if you have been around for a while, the Wall has a privacy policy when it comes to identifying anyone who would not be considered a celebrity or public person. That means we would have to cross out/redact any identifying names and pictures. And that would put a definite crimp in a library crush board!

How do I make my library crush love me?

How do I make my library crush love me?
How do I make my library crush love me?

Can you legitimately make someone love you? Certainly, you can take the initiative in starting a conversation and inviting your crush to spend some time with you. Then my advice is to be your best authentic self and see where it goes. I can’t think of a better place than a library to find true love.

Why is it so hard to live with your friends?

Why is it so hard to live with your friends?
Why is it so hard to live with your friends?

In some ways, being with people you care about is harder because you have an expectation that you will agree on most things. When agreement doesn’t happen the conflict is more distressing than when you disagree with someone you don’t care so much about. When you are having a conflict with a friend, remember that it is just a disagreement about one thing. Don’t let the disagreement overshadow the friendship.

¿Dónde está mi gente?

¿Dónde está mi gente?

¿Dónde está mi gente?

If there’s an Answer Wall theme for this month – especially today – it seems to be everyone trying to find their peeps. BC’s a big place, and nothing makes you feel at home like making friends, and, in many cases, connecting with people who share your culture. Maybe check in with L@BC ( Say yeah, yeah yeah….

I got BC-look-awayed… what do I do??

I got BC-look-awayed... what do I do?? [Live with it.]
I got BC-look-awayed… what do I do?? [Live with it.]

Human interaction is hard! You could gently confront him/her, or you could reciprocate the look-away. Your choice; the former is braver, and if s/he is just shy or unsure of what to say to you, may lead to getting to know each other better. One more thought – it’s also possible s/he didn’t recognize you; prosopagnosia (faceblindness) is a very real thing.

How do I make a cross-ethnic and cross-SES relationship work?

How do I make a cross-ethnic and cross-SES relationship work? Any useful studies out there?
How do I make a cross-ethnic and cross-SES relationship work? Any useful studies out there?

When two people have different experiences, assumptions, and family life, they likely have to work harder to understand each other. Since you asked about studies, here’s a literature review of 50 years of research on interracial marriages: (BC access only). For a more narrative perspective, try the recent film Loving (Law Library feature film collection), about the couple in the landmark Supreme Court case. The advantage of ethnic and SES differences is that you can’t help but recognize & address them; many couples have differences they never acknowledge until it’s too late. In that sense, differences are universal, and you just need to focus on honesty, trust, and compassion.

My roommate smells bad i don’t know what to do about it. Help

My roommate smells bad i don't know what to do about it. Help
My roommate smells bad i don’t know what to do about it. Help

Smelling bad could just be a result of a casual approach to hygiene – IOW they don’t shower as often as the norm, or don’t use as many products to obscure body odor. I’ve known people with sensitivities to a lot of those products & can’t use them. OTOH, if it’s really strong, perhaps there’s a contributing medical condition. Tread carefully: scent is linked primally to feelings of self-consciousness. Maybe The Naked Roommate: And 107 Other Issues You Might Run Into in College, by Harlan Cohen (O’Neill Library LB2343.3 .C62 2017) has some sage advice.

Why do I keep feeling like I have so many shortcomings and something I need to improve when I stay with one of my friends?

Why do I keep feeling like I have so many shortcomings and something I need to improve when I stay with one of my friends?
Why do I keep feeling like I have so many shortcomings and something I need to improve when I stay with one of my friends?

You’re telling yourself two stories: one about your own shortcomings and one about your friend’s successes. A story about shortcomings is just an unfinished story about successes. You’re putting endings in the wrong places, that’s all. In stories about your friend you put the endings where things work out. In stories about yourself, you put the endings where things go wrong. Just shuffle your stories around, and keep pushing through until things work out. I think you’ve got what it takes.

How to get over a guy?

How to get over a guy?
How to get over a guy?

First, go ahead and listen to songs about heartbreak and cry. Then find completeness within yourself. Options: friends, religion, mindfulness meditation, therapy, lots of ice-cream… or just learning to enjoy who you are and what you do without looking for validation from other people. You have my sympathy. If you really can’t shake it, counseling services have some better suggestions:

How to find a girlfriend/boyfriend?

How to find a girlfriend/boyfriend?
How to find a girlfriend/boyfriend?

Be yourself! Get to know people: chat with people in your class while waiting for the professor. Offer to buy someone coffee or share a table at lunch. Join a few clubs and get to know everyone. The more people you get to know, the more likely you’ll find someone special. Oh, one final thing: did you ever notice how it’s hard to talk to someone when their staring at their phone? That ‘s true for people trying to talk to you, too. Make yourself accessible.

Why are boys so stupid?

Why are boys so stupid?
Why are boys so stupid?

I’m sorry a boy did something that aggravated you. People are prone to be aggravating. Here are some ways to be aggravating: lie or exaggerate, do something after being asked to stop, fail to listen, break confidences, mind others’ business, brag, complain unproductively, argue frequently, take credit for someone else’s idea, talk over someone, keep silent about what’s bothering you, explain as if someone else is clueless, make broad indefensible generalizations, forget a date or appointment, assume the worst of someone else’s behavior, be quick to aggravate, pretend innocence after doing something aggravating… do any of these sound familiar? Let’s all make a solemn vow to minimize how much we do these things, & we’ll all get along a little better.