How do you tell a boy you don’t want a second date? Help Help

How do you tell a boy you don't want a second date? Help Help
How do you tell a boy you don’t want a second date? Help Help
Why are all the boys in love with my roommate? my roommate-->
Why are all the boys in love with my roommate? my roommate–>

Maybe tell the boy about your roommate? No, but seriously. Directly, leaving no ambiguity, but kindly, such as: “I had a good time, but it just didn’t seem right for me. You’ll find the right person.” It will be awkward, and somewhat painful for the recipient, but the best course is honesty & clarity.

why am I single?

why am I single?
why am I single?

The timing on these things can be rough. Love often arrives when it’s inconvenient. Try making plans to do some stuff you’re really excited about, and then do them.

how to find a boyfriend at BC ;) From a boy LOL

how to find a boyfriend at BC ;) From a boy LOL
how to find a boyfriend at BC 😉 From a boy LOL
Right here, bby ;) [response: ahahaha text me then LOL]
Right here, bby 😉 [response: ahahaha text me then LOL]

First, find a friend. Second, see if the friendship develops into something more. Finding a boyfriend or girlfriend is basically the same process. If you are unsure where to find other gay/bi guys, you could start with BC resources: and even the Commonwealth has a website for LGBTQ youth: .

I am currently entertaining a number of boys and I feel a bit guilty about it. Do I have to choose one or is it ok to embrace my promiscuity?

I am currently entertaining a number of boys and I feel a bit guilty about it. Do I have to choose one or is it ok to embrace my promiscuity?
I am currently entertaining a number of boys and I feel a bit guilty about it. Do I have to choose one or is it ok to embrace my promiscuity?

I am sure your body & your soul is beautiful!!
I am sure your body & your soul is beautiful!!

Yes you are a sexual being
Yes you are a sexual being

P.S. have you ever been w/ a female...? -->
P.S. have you ever been w/ a female…? –>

Embrace who you are
Embrace who you are <3 BB scrimp

IF the boys all know & are fine with it, and you evaluate the source of your guilt & decide it’s not an issue and that the consequences of your activity really have no foreseeable harms to yourself or others, then continue. That’s a lot of ifs, though. Proceed with caution when the potential benefit is short-term pleasure and potential costs are broken hearts, betrayals, or a failure to value yourself.

My boyfriend would rather go to mass than spend time with me :-( What should I do?

My boyfriend would rather go to mass than spend time with me :-( What should I do?
My boyfriend would rather go to mass than spend time with me 🙁 What should I do?

Go with him & pray it out!
Go with him & pray it out!

It might be time for a check-in on the relationship. Talk to him about it, but try to do it in terms of behavior. “When you do [thing] it makes me feel [feeling]” That gives a little more emotional space to have a conversation rather than a fight. But if you feel like your boyfriend isn’t interested in you, that is a conversation to have now.

Hi I am an exchange student I have fallen in love with a blonde angel from down under He is leaving soon and I have not told him how I feel What should I do?

Hi I am an exchange student I have fallen in love with a blonde angel from down under He is leaving soon and I have not told him how I feel What should I do?
Hi I am an exchange student I have fallen in love with a blonde angel from down under He is leaving soon and I have not told him how I feel What should I do?

Ask to visit Australia or New Zealand!
Ask to visit Australia or New Zealand!

#Don't say bye 4eva Ever!
#Don’t say bye 4eva Ever!

It is sad when the people you count on for support leave you to go it alone. But I don’t think skipping your finals would be a good idea at all. Maybe let him know you miss him and make plans to travel with him in the future? If you could use some unconditional love, our therapy dogs are coming in through Finals & tonight’s the last night – see the schedule:

How do I get my parents to love me? :(

How do I get my parents to love me? :(
How do I get my parents to love me? 🙁

First know: You are worthy of love, and you deserve love. That you feel that you have not been loved by your parents is heartbreaking. Children should not need to do anything to earn their parents’ love – that’s not how love works. Talking to University Counseling ( may help you find strategies to cope and to find peace.

I met the love of my life here but he’s leaving at Christmas. <3 What do I do?

I met the love of my life here but he's leaving at Christmas.
I met the love of my life here but he’s leaving at Christmas. <3 What do I do?

If he’s the love of your life, you stick with him, even at a distance. Relationships at a distance can be hard, because of what you’ll miss: touch. And you’ll have to work hard on communicating, but technology helps. Once upon a time, you’d have had to depend on letters. I recommend reading letters of famous couples, like John & Abigail Adams, or J.P. Sartre & Simone de Beauvoir. And then enjoy the luxury of Skype, Facetime, etc. Or did you mean you only just met him, and you’re not an item yet? In that case, throw all caution to the winds & tell him!

What is love?

What is love?
What is love?

Lots of angles on this big one — here’s an interpretation from the Buddhist perspective: “Love creates a communion with life. Love expands us, connects us, sweetens us, ennobles us.” Jack Kornfield, The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness, and Peace

:-/ I want to go home, yet I don’t want to go home.

:-/ I want to go home, yet I don't want to go home.
:-/ I want to go home, yet I don’t want to go home.

As you grow and mature as your own, independent person, you will begin to find that “home” feels less like home. Your home is here, or maybe somewhere else that you feel most comfortable. That doesn’t make you a bad person – it means that you’re gaining an independent sense of self and that’s a good thing. BUT, home is also where your family will be and that can be a double-sided coin: it’s common to love your family, but also get tired of them after a while (and not to look forward to being with them). We’re excited to have you back in January, fam!

My best friend is leaving me to suffer alone during finals. Should I be mad or should I skip my finals and travel with her?

My best friend is leaving me to suffer alone during finals. Should I be mad or should I skip my finals and travel with her?
My best friend is leaving me to suffer alone during finals. Should I be mad or should I skip my finals and travel with her?

It is sad when the people you count on for support leave you to go it alone. But I don’t think skipping your finals would be a good idea at all. Maybe let her know you miss her and make plans to travel with her on in the future? If you could use some unconditional love, our therapy dogs are coming in through Finals – see the schedule:

opinions on the cohabitation policy?

opinions on the cohabitation policy?
opinions on the cohabitation policy?

It’s not uncommon for Universities to restrict housing to members of the same sex in a given domicile. This prevents a number of tricky issues that would be likely to crop up otherwise (couple breaks up – who gets the room? parents of a student don’t approve of a living situation – how does the University handle that since most students here are legal adults? domestic violence problems could be exacerbated, etc.). Yes, it mostly assumes that everyone has “traditional” views on relationships, but it is successful in handling most of these potential problems.

Why she doesn’t love me?

Why she doesn't love me?
Why she doesn’t love me?

Unrequited love is hard. It’s the topic of so many artworks that it must also be quite common. IOW, you’re not alone in loving someone who doesn’t love you. Seek out poems, stories, and songs about unrequited love, wallow in your pain for a while, and then… gather your strength and move on. (Here are some poems to get you started: You’ll find someone you love who loves you back, I’m certain of it.

Where will I find my husband? :-(

Where will I find my husband? :-(
Where will I find my husband? 🙁

Potential husbands are all over the place. I recommend getting involved in activities or clubs where potential husbands congregate. Take up rock climbing at a climbing wall, say, or sign up for a writing workshop series at Grub Street, get involved in a politically active group… it all depends on your interests. Churches come to mind, too, as do charities. In short, do what interests you, in groups, and you will meet people with shared interests who might become friends and might even become romantic prospects.

Why is saying goodbye so painful?

Why is saying goodbye so painful?
Why is saying goodbye so painful?

It depends on the situation. Sometimes it’s hard because we’re having so much fun but we need to address other responsibilities (“I’m having so much fun at this party but I need to leave because I’m working in the morning.”) Sometimes it signals a huge change in our lives, e.g., when you graduate and move on to a whole new world. It’s scary to leave behind the safety and security of what you know and enter the unknown. And it’s sad because you’ll be leaving behind some people too. Change can be difficult, but change can also lead to new adventures and opportunities and growth. I’ll end with some wise words from A.A. Milne and Walt Disney that may help to provide some perspective. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” “Goodbye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be.”

What should I get my mom for Christmas?

What should I get my mom for Christmas?
What should I get my mom for Christmas?

The Wall likes that you’re thinking about your mom. If she’s someone who doesn’t need (or want) any stuff, how about an experience — a gift certificate to a tea house, or the fun local brunch place? If she’s sporty — tickets to a sporting event. Or concert tickets (The Rolling Stones are going on tour). Or a membership to a local museum. Giving in her honor to a charity is another option, for example: Heifer Project International ( If you prefer to go the traditional route, my helpers tell me that cashmere is always a winner.