How awesome is Susan B. Anthony?

How awesome is Susan B. Anthony?
How awesome is Susan B. Anthony?
<– Susan B. Anthony was actually v problematic and SUPER RACIST. Google it!

Susan B. Anthony is a champion of women’s rights, yes. But the feminist movement has struggled with inclusivity since its beginning. As your fellow respondent references, the “women” to whom these rights applied during the First Wave were considered to be straight, white, and mid-to-upper class. Although there’s been a lot of progress in this department, it’s still up to us to make amends and move forward together as one beautiful diverse body! For a great book on the history of feminism, I recommend Estelle B. Freedman’s No Turning Back (O’Neill Library HQ1121 .F74 2002). It does need a little updating since a lot has happened in the past 15 years. Perhaps a great mind like yours is up to the task?

Silence is still Violence

Silence is still Violence
Silence is still Violence

Speak, for your lips are free;
Speak, your tongue is still yours,
Your upright body is yours–
Speak, your life is still yours.
See how in the blacksmith’s shop
The flames are hot, the iron is red,
Mouths of locks have begun to open,
Each chain’s embrace has spread wide.
Speak, this little time is plenty
Before the death of body and tongue:
Speak, for truth is still alive–
Speak, say whatever is to be said.
–Faiz Ahmed Faiz, translated by V.G. Kiernan (Poem was recited by the Indian actress & activist Shabana Azmi at the UN in 2009, regarding the treatment of women in Afghanistan.)

I grew up Catholic; why is the Catholic Church so anti-female?

I grew up Catholic; why is the Catholic Church so anti-female?
I grew up Catholic; why is the Catholic Church so anti-female?

The Catholic Church is committed to traditions. This is both a strength and a weakness. However, any institution as old as the Church that places such a high importance on tradition is going to have some vestiges of old (and unfair) power structures in place. It was (and to a large extent remains) the case that men held most positions of power in all areas of life throughout history – whether that was the church, politics (ignoring the inseparability of the two for a second), on down to the individual household.

Who tf is Q Anon and what has he/she/they/them done to us?

Who tf is Q Anon and what has he/she/they/them done to us?
Who tf is Q Anon and what has he/she/they/them done to us?

There’s a history of “anon” accounts in 4chan who claim insider government access. “Qanon” was one such obscure account, claiming to be a military officer, and identifying all manner of conspiracies. Several Reddit threads pushed Qanon’s posts. Why these conspiracy theories gain traction is a subject of study for sociologists, psychologists & political scientists. Here are several books in BC Libraries on the subject:

Trump has repeatedly, explicitly broken the law during his presidency. Why is nobody in power doing something??

Trump has repeatedly, explicitly broken the law during his presidency. Why is nobody in power doing something??
Trump has repeatedly, explicitly broken the law during his presidency. Why is nobody in power doing something??

The legal system moves slowly, much more slowly than the news cycle. There are several things to watch: the results of the Mueller investigation; what the new Democratic majority in the House decides to do starting in January; and the results of several lawsuits by state attorneys general against administration actions. Mueller has so far charged a number of people with crimes (, and the attorneys general of the District of Columbia and Maryland have apparently started to issue subpoenas in the early stages of a lawsuit about payments to the President’s businesses. This is the process of proving wrongdoing under our law.

How conservative is BC?

How conservative is BC? [Response: TOO conservative!]
How conservative is BC? [Response: TOO conservative!]
Students over the years have commented on this topic on online sites and in The Heights. Some think BC is conservative and some think it’s liberal. So it seems if you look at a continuum with radical liberal on one end and ultra-conservative on the other, BC would fall right in the middle, straddling both viewpoints but without a lot of examples of conspicuous expression. While it may sometimes be frustrating to those who are passionate about such things, this kind of open-minded environment can also afford an opportunity to more easily communicate with and understand those with differing opinions.

What is the % republican people here & % democrat?

What is the % republican people here & % democrat?
What is the % republican people here & % democrat?

I’ve answered this once before, last Spring: There are dependable resources on political leanings of college students in general, such as the Panetta Institute surveys (, and there are dependable measures of past voting by district, such as the CPVI ( BC’s district (MA-04) has a CPVI of D+9, which means it is 9 percentage points above the share of democratic party votes in the last two presidential elections. But there are few dependable college-by-college surveys. ( ranks BC as 392/500 “most liberal” colleges and 112/500 of “most conservative” colleges, based on ratings by about 11,000 users. Sound method? Doubtful. Do the math – if 500 colleges are rated by 11,000 raters rating their alma maters, that’s barely 22 raters per college on average.

Why didn’t Maryland fire Football HC DJ Durkin?

Why didn't Maryland fire Football HC DJ Durkin?
Why didn’t Maryland fire Football HC DJ Durkin?

:-/ Money and poor leadership. Durkin’s buyout would have been expensive, and Maryland’s Board of Regents isn’t well-known for their strong moral conviction. The subtext of this entire thing is pretty clear: UM President Loh refused to have Durkin come back and was overruled by the Board of Regents, so he quit (“retired” at the end of the year) rather than lead a school that would act in this way. Looks like the ACC got rid of Maryland at just the right time and picked up some quality schools (Go Eagles!). UPDATE: Durkin has been fired after an outcry from students and parents. Never let someone tell you that the peoples’ opinion doesn’t count. This was a moral failing of the UM Board that the citizens of the State of Maryland had to force them to fix.

Why is 2018 so scary for white males?

Why is 2018 so scary for white males?
Why is 2018 so scary for white males?

On Tuesday, President Trump said “it’s a very scary time for young men in America.” On the same day, he reiterated at a rally, “Think of your son. Think of your husband,” referring to false rape accusations, and also mocked Christine Blasey-Ford: According to several studies, a range of 2-10% of rape accusations are false (, BC login required). The Bureau of Justice Statistics ( estimates a total of 323,450 rapes or sexual assaults in 2016, 23% of which (or 74,393) were reported to police. At 2-10%, a range of 1487 to 7439 might have been false accusations. It’s significant, but also a considerably lower number than rape or sexual assault. Men account for about 10% of rape victims, or about 32,000 in 2016. IOW, statistically, young men should be more worried about being raped than being falsely accused of rape.

Has it occurred to you that many of us stand with Kavanaugh, and thus don’t want to protest?

Has it occurred to you that many of us stand with Kavanaugh, and thus don't want to protest?
Has it occurred to you that many of us stand with Kavanaugh, and thus don’t want to protest?

Certainly. As I narrowly addressed the above person’s concerns about protest and connecting with like-minded people, I failed to mention that a significant number of people stand with Kavanaugh. Here are this weekend’s poll results about Kavanaugh from Quinnipiac University: The Wall always welcomes different points of view, and whenever you need resources or information, I’m happy to help.

How does one start a protest on campus against the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, and why have no protests occurred on BC’s campus yet?

How does one start a protest on campus against the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, and why have no protests occurred on BC's campus yet?
How does one start a protest on campus against the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, and why have no protests occurred on BC’s campus yet?

In a way, the answer to your 2nd question implicit in your 1st: you have the will, but lack knowledge of the process. Perhaps people who know how to organize protests don’t have sufficient will? Or time? (Mid-terms.) It’s also possible people are awaiting the outcome of these hearings before taking action. If you want to find where dialogues and possible plans are happening, I’d suggest seeking out people involved either in the Women’s Center ( or the Women’s and Gender Studies program ( or I am THAT Girl BC: (BTW, be aware of BC policy regarding protests. See 4.6.9: )The counseling center is also prepared to offer resources:, as is the Dean of Student’s Office: BC staff and faculty are encouraged to visit the faculty-staff assistance program:

It doesn’t seem like BC has had much discussion in a public setting or activism (on either side) in the Kavanaugh hearing. Did I miss something?

It doesn't seem like BC has had much discussion in a public setting or activism (on either side) in the Kavanaugh hearing. Did I miss something? It seems like w/this being such a global conversation, BC has remained relatively quiet.
It doesn’t seem like BC has had much discussion in a public setting or activism (on either side) in the Kavanaugh hearing. Did I miss something? It seems like w/this being such a global conversation, BC has remained relatively quiet.

There has not been much happening on BC’s campus that I’ve heard of, but BC is also relatively removed from the issue. Judge Kavanaugh was never a member of the faculty here (like at Harvard or Yale) nor is there much question on which way Massachusetts senators will vote on his nomination. If you’d like to get involved with activism, perhaps try attending a protest at Harvard (you don’t need to be a student to make your voice heard).

What do you think about the gun free act and the fact that it is unconstitutional according to the SC?

What do you think about the gun free act and the fact that it is unconstitutional according to the SC?
What do you think about the gun free act and the fact that it is unconstitutional according to the SC?

If you’re talking about the Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, the Supreme Court did indeed rule it unconstitutional as an overreach of the interstate commerce clause. However, it was quickly amended to be limited to firearms involved in interstate commerce. The SC has not ruled on the amended law, but several lower courts have upheld it, so it is current law. There is also a Gun Free Schools Act of 1994, which stipulates that states receiving federal aid for schools are required to suspend students found on school grounds with firearms for no less than one year. The constitutionality of that law has not been challenged.

Do you know what news stations the Brett Kavanaugh hearings w/Dr. Ford will be?

Do you know what news stations the Brett Kavanaugh hearings w/Dr. Ford will be? As well, does BC give students access to any of those channels in the lounges?
Do you know what news stations the Brett Kavanaugh hearings w/Dr. Ford will be? As well, does BC give students access to any of those channels in the lounges?

It is very likely that almost every news channel in the country will cover the hearing. The usual choices would be CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and PBS. If you’d prefer less commentary, CSPAN will cover it without talking heads. NPR and CSPAN are likely to have radio coverage as well. You should be in good shape in the lounges based on BC’s channel lineup, or you can use Xfinity to stream to your devices. Directions here:

Do you think that modern feminism seeks not only equal opportunities for men and women but also equal outcome which is an utopy and non-desirable?

Do you think that modern feminism seeks not only equal opportunities for men and women but also equal outcome which is an utopy and non-desirable?
Do you think that modern feminism seeks not only equal opportunities for men and women but also equal outcome which is an utopy and non-desirable?

No. The aims of modern feminism, judging by the 3,420 results in a catalog search using “feminism” as a subject (, cannot be summed up so briefly.

Capitalism is doomed right?

Capitalism is doomed right?
Capitalism is doomed right?

Will capitalism last in its current form forever? Unlikely, given that in terms of human history it’s relatively new. So, yes, it’s doomed… but only in the same sense that we’re all doomed. I will not, alas!, stand forever. Even the famous walls: The Great Wall, Hadrian’s Wall, the Wailing Wall… will eventually be gone, and new walls built. For a more detailed criticism of the current state of capitalism, I recommend the recent instant classic Capital in the Twenty-First Century, by Thomas Piketty, currently on reserve at O’Neill, and in the general collection at the Law Library: HB501 .P43613 2014.



That is tough to answer within Post-It length. There is a social science literature on the subject (, Many books have been written on clergy sexual abuse in the last decade, and most attempt to make suggestions for how to make things better ( A BC faculty member, Thomas Groome from the School of Theology and Ministry, was recently part of a conversation about the Pennsylvania grand jury report and responses to it ( For thoughtful Jesuit-informed discussion of this and other issues, America Magazine is a useful place to go: