What is the % republican people here & % democrat?

What is the % republican people here & % democrat?
What is the % republican people here & % democrat?

I’ve answered this once before, last Spring: There are dependable resources on political leanings of college students in general, such as the Panetta Institute surveys (bit.ly/panetta-surveys), and there are dependable measures of past voting by district, such as the CPVI (bit.ly/wiki-cpvi). BC’s district (MA-04) has a CPVI of D+9, which means it is 9 percentage points above the share of democratic party votes in the last two presidential elections. But there are few dependable college-by-college surveys. MyPlan.com (bit.ly/myplan-college-politics) ranks BC as 392/500 “most liberal” colleges and 112/500 of “most conservative” colleges, based on ratings by about 11,000 MyPlan.com users. Sound method? Doubtful. Do the math – if 500 colleges are rated by 11,000 raters rating their alma maters, that’s barely 22 raters per college on average.