I just got an amazing job…

I just got an amazing job but my brother who graduated two years ago still hasn't found one and he's super down about it. how can I tell him that I got my job w/out making him sad!
I just got an amazing job but my brother who graduated two years ago still hasn’t found one and he’s super down about it. how can I tell him that I got my job w/out making him sad!

It’s really nice that you are sensitive to your brother’s employment struggles. I suggest that you tone down your excitement (just a little) when you tell him, and follow his lead whether he would like to discuss his own job search or would just like to celebrate yours without drawing comparisons. Don’t worry too much, though — he’s your brother and will be happy for you.

Will u sponsor my H1B VISA

Will u sponsor my H1B VISA
Will u sponsor my H1B VISA

I’m not eligible to do that (being an inanimate wall, and all), but I recommend talking to the Office of International Students and Scholars at bcis@bc.edu or 2-8005, as well as the Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career) for their advice. Also, try GoinGlobal H1B Plus (bit.ly/HB1GoinGlobal), a database that provides listings of American employers seeking to hire international employees in the US.

How to become a tutor in the Connor’s Learning Center?

How to become a tutor in the Connor's Learning Center? Is it a lot of work? Is it paid?
How to become a tutor in the Connor’s Learning Center? Is it a lot of work? Is it paid?

It is paid. You can tutor for one or more courses. To become a tutor for a course, you need to have gotten at least a B+, and have a recommendation from your professor. The CFLC suggests you talk to the professor about the recommendation first, and then drop in to the center to fill out a form. It’s serious work and you will need to get some training, but it seems like a very worthwhile and rewarding job.

Umm… Don’t know what to major in.. I like philosophy but don’t wanna be jobless.

Umm... Don't know what to major in.. I like philosophy but don't wanna be jobless.
Umm… Don’t know what to major in.. I like philosophy but don’t wanna be jobless.

Your major does not limit you to a particular career. A few careers require a particular major, but even with some of those you can go back and fill in necessary classes later. It’s worthwhile to explore what you can do with a philosophy major with a counselor at the Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career). You may appreciate this interactive site on where BC grads land by major: bit.ly/MajorToJob. The #1 answer may surprise you!

Philosophy is a great major! many aspects/jobs include philosophy, do what you like --Philosophy Senior
Philosophy is a great major! many apects/jobs include philosophy, do what you like –Philosophy Senior

Totally agree. Philosophy blends well with lots of careers. Stop by BC’s Career Center and talk with a coach about what sorts of things philosophy grads do. You’ll be pleasantly surprised. http://bit.ly/CareerCtrMajors

…should I try to get a better paying job that I don’t love…

Studies often show that for most people money = happiness, no matter how much we tell ourselves the opposite. So, should I try to get a better paying job that I don't love or a lower paying one I find interesting? (I'm a senior)
Studies often show that for most people money = happiness, no matter how much we tell ourselves the opposite. So, should I try to get a better paying job that I don’t love or a lower paying one I find interesting? (I’m a senior)

Studies have shown that that’s only true up to a certain dollar amount – and not a very large one at that (See this article in Nature Human Behaviour: http://bit.ly/CashJoy). I would recommend trying to find work that meets at least your basic economic needs, interests you, and has a good forward path towards better pay and opportunities.

How do I live in NYC & not be broke?

How do I live in NYC & not be broke?
How do I live in NYC & not be broke?

Makes me so grateful to live here, rent-free… Strategies to get by in NYC might include: having a lot of roommates, living in a less expensive borough like The Bronx or Queens, keeping to a tight budget and learning about personal finance to minimize your other expenses, and possibly having a side hustle.

I have lots of debt and I am going to law school. Should I choose the best school … ?

I have lots of debt and I am going to law school. Should I choose the best school or the one that offers me the most money? How much does prestige matter?
I have lots of debt and I am going to law school. Should I choose the best school or the one that offers me the most money? How much does prestige matter?

That depends on your goals. Want to go work for “big law” and make fat stacks? Then prestige is what you need and hope that the debt thing will work out. Are you looking to do public service work or working in any other area of law that will provide a good-but-not-insane paycheck? Then choosing the best school that you consider affordable is the right choice. Note that low-average or poor quality schools might offer you full scholarships: that’s still a bad idea.

Any ideas for good places to look for tips for studying abroad? Like packing, how to pick weekend trips, grocery shopping hacks, etc.?!

Any ideas for good places to look for tips for studying abroad? Like packing, how to pick weekend trips, grocery shopping hacks, etc.?!
Any ideas for good places to look for tips for studying abroad? Like packing, how to pick weekend trips, grocery shopping hacks, etc.?!

YouTube has a huge community of people with exactly that set of interests, so that’s one obvious place. Psychotraveller has good series on travel basics, for example. http://bit.ly/bc-travel. There are websites like Her Packing List that focus on how and what to pack. https://herpackinglist.com. Guidebooks like Rick Steves or Lonely Planet are an old-school way to check on destinations before you go, and they have digital versions…and they’re a little more consistent in tone and quality than TripAdvisor. Try a few of those and let me know if you have more questions..

How can I become President of the United States without becoming a messed up person?

How can I become President of the United States without becoming a messed up person?
How can I become President of the United States without becoming a messed up person?

Jimmy Carter’s post-presidential life of authorship, shunning cash cow payouts, and community service is widely viewed as a life well lived, and not “messed up.”  Take a look at this entry, Life After the Presidency, Jimmy Carter (bit.ly/millercenter-carter), from the Miller Center at the University of Virginia for an overview.  For more on the post-presidential lives of other U.S. Presidents visit, U.S. Presidents, Miller Center (millercenter.org/president).

Do you think I will get into med school?

Do you think I will get into med school?
Do you think I will get into med school?

There is some discussion about the odds of acceptance for BC students by GPA here: bit.ly/BCPreMed. But I would also have a chat with the Pre-Health Program about how you can improve your chance of acceptance (premed@bc.edu or 2-4663).

Get MBB on campus.

Get MBB on campus.

I have passed your suggestion on to the employer recruiting people in the Career Center, and I hope that McKinsey, Bain, and/or Boston will come visit us someday. But be proactive, talk to the Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career) about ways you can approach potential employers who don’t drop by. Best of luck.

Should I switch from pre-med to a soft science?

Should I switch from pre-med to a soft science?
Should I switch from pre-med to a soft science?

It’s not an either/or situation – you can major in any subject and still get in the pre-med requirements. People who can help you figure out your path in life are your major advisor, the Pre-Health Program (bit.ly/BCPremedProg). and the Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career).

I’m qualified for this amazing internship…

I'm qualified for this amazing internship, but its Super competitive... any tips on how to score the job?
I’m qualified for this amazing internship, but its Super competitive… any tips on how to score the job?

Think about what you could bring to the internship that no one else can. Make the application about how you can solve problems for them. If there’s a list of requirements, go through them item by item and call out how you’re qualified for each of them. Work very hard on making sure your opening is clear, concise, and ideally memorable. Good luck!

I’m a senior and have no idea what I want to do with my life (job wise).

I'm a senior and have no idea what I want to do with my life (job wise). I feel really dumb as many of my friends have amazing jobs lined up. Is all hope lost?
I’m a senior and have no idea what I want to do with my life (job wise). I feel really dumb as many of my friends have amazing jobs lined up. Is all hope lost?

Lol. I’ve been a wall since 1984 and I still have no idea what I want to do with my life. I only just recently picked up this Answer Wall gig. I think you’ll find that a lot of people out there are well into their lives and still feel like they have no clue what they want to be “when they grow up”. You have tons of time to figure it out. And you might never decide that one thing is your passion. That’s OK, some people are just interested in a lot of things. John Lennon wrote, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” That’s pretty true in this Wall’s opinion.