If the food remains in his mouth, he will still go to bed hungry. So, wake him up and make him swallow.
I didn’t sleep last night ?
I’m sorry that happened. Hopefully, exhaustion will help you sleep soundly tonight. If this is a perennial problem, look into solutions for insomnia (bit.ly/mayo-insomnia). If it’s a matter of staying up all night to finish a project or study, I hope the rest of this semester’s conclusion can involve more rest.
What top 10 states are statistically the most overweight?
According to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Oklahoma, Indiana, Ohio, North Dakota, and South Carolina. bit.ly/RWJStateObesity
Is it true 49% of pregnancies are unplanned?
Roughly that in the US, down slightly to 45% in recent years, according to the CDC. bit.ly/CDCunintended
How to do things???
As mindfully and with as much forethought and planning as is practical in the circumstances, with some room also for spontaneity. Sometimes it’s emotionally hard to commit to action. Dare greatly! And be prepared to live with the discomfort of failure, because without that you risk the worst outcome: the absence of joy. If you find you can’t get moving on things you want or need to do, talk to the folks at BC Counseling: bit.ly/BC-counseling
is it normal to see students hysterically crying in the lib during finals week?
It happens. Everyone is tired and under a lot of stress. Check and see if they need help, and if they do, let my helpers know.
How to survive finals
Pace yourself. Remember to eat, drink, sleep, and take deep breaths. Remind yourself that whatever the outcome, life goes on. Wishing you all the best!
Why good weather isn’t here yet? I’m cold :(
It might be something like what’s described in Thornton Wilder’s play The Skin of Our Teeth. (O’Neill Library PS3545.I345 A6 1998)
Mrs. Antrobus: –There’s that dinosaur on the front lawn again. –Shoo! Go away. Go away.
The baby DINOSAUR puts his head in the window.
Dinosaur: It’s cold.
Mrs. Antrobus: You go around to the back of the house where you belong.
Dinosaur: It’s cold.
How can I be Happy? :-)
Do you mean, how can you feel a deep sense of pleasure or contentment, esp. arising from satisfaction with one’s circumstances or condition? (Oxford English Dictionary) Focus on what’s good in the present moment about your circumstances or condition. The Buddhist leader Thich Nhat Hanh provides some good guidance for this kind of focus in Peace is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life (O’Neill Library BQ5410 .N46x 1992).
I got mono and been feeling sick af!! What should I do to survive finals week??
I would contact your advisor and the Dean of Students right away and let them know about your situation, and ask them what your best options are. I hope you feel better very soon!
I am sad all the time. Any suggestions besides going to therapy?
Sorry to hear that. Try focusing on your physical needs. Are you hungry? Sleepy? Too cold or too warm? Sometimes paying attention to things like that makes humans feel better. Add or subtract other people–sometimes it helps to talk to a friend, sometimes it helps to be alone. (and if the feeling lasts months it is a good idea to talk to a doctor or therapist)
How do you recover from being called a “nice boy”?
Take the compliment and move on.There are lots of people for whom “nice” and “safe” would be a pleasant change of pace.
My jaw pops when I chew, what does this mean? :D
Possibly TMJ (bit.ly/mayo-tmj). Visit a dentist to see if you’re a candidate for a customized night guard. You might be a grinder (aka Bruxism: bit.ly/mayo-bruxism). One of my helpers neglected to wear her night guard and the TMJ got so bad she couldn’t open her mouth wide enough to eat a bagel.
Why does BC not provide enough counselors at UCS for the amount of students who seek their services? ?
Here’s what UCS said in response to a similar question in January: “While UCS is staffed at levels at least equal to most of our peer institutions, and is always available to students in crisis that day, there is still the reality that students seeking ongoing longer term therapy may have to wait up to a couple of weeks for an appointment. We are piloting a new initiative offering same day consultation appointments for students seeking to address an identified problem in a rapid access fashion. We hope that this will help more accurately and quickly meet student mental health needs. We are always interested in feedback of all sorts, and strive to improve our service to the BC community.”
Why does BC not care about mental health of students??
Here’s what UCS said in response to a similar question in January: “While UCS is staffed at levels at least equal to most of our peer institutions, and is always available to students in crisis that day, there is still the reality that students seeking ongoing longer term therapy may have to wait up to a couple of weeks for an appointment. We are piloting a new initiative offering same day consultation appointments for students seeking to address an identified problem in a rapid access fashion. We hope that this will help more accurately and quickly meet student mental health needs. We are always interested in feedback of all sorts, and strive to improve our service to the BC community.”
I can’t stop eating =(
Sigh… I’ve heard from many humans that food is a delight, but also kind of tricky. I have a big appetite for post-its, so I kind of understand. But if you feel like you’re overeating, or feel guilty after you eat, maybe a conversation with the campus nutritionist would be a good idea: bit.ly/bc-nutrition.
I think I have herpes, does UHS test for that
Yes, UHS can help you with that, and with treatment if you do have herpes – give them a call at 617-552-3225 to set up an appointment.
how do I not get sick again? living in a dorm keeps getting me sick! :(
Living in close quarters does tend to raise that risk. But there are ways to keep it to a minimum – check out this list: bit.ly/GetSickLess Some of the obvious, but powerful ones: wash your hands often, get your shots, be careful with food handling, and avoid unsafe sex.
What is BC’s policy with regard to accessing information on students “prior” mental health issues?
For classwork, I am duty-bound as a wall in a library to provide resources but not answers. (It’s also generally wise to go straight to the source in order to preserve accuracy.) Best sources in this case would likely be UCS (bit.ly/bc-counseling) and/or the Dean of Students office (bit.ly/BC-DOS).
Why doesn’t any BC service (not SHC) provide any birth control/STD prevention. Isn’t that just ignorant and damaging to students?
The Catholic Church’s position on birth control is longstanding and relatively recently updated (http://bit.ly/bc-bc), so from that perspective it would be strange for a Jesuit school to offer those sorts of services. The New Catholic Encyclopedia’s article on birth control has a good overview of the history of Church thought on the subject (http://bit.ly/bc-bc2). Professor Massa recently wrote a book on the evolution of theological thinking on it. (http://bit.ly/bc-bc1) You’re asking a practical question, but in this case the theology and history are the reason for the policy.