Why is there a lack of diversity of food choice at the student dinning hall? Shouldn’t the dinning hall honor student’s diverse background and food preference? :)

Why is there a lack of diversity of food choice at the student dinning hall? Shouldn't the dinning hall honor student's diverse background and food preference? :)
Why is there a lack of diversity of food choice at the student dinning hall? Shouldn’t the dinning hall honor student’s diverse background and food preference? 🙂

Let Dining Services know what you’d like to see by leaving them a comment: bit.ly/BCDiningComment. Please keep in mind that cost and how easy it is to cook for LOTS of people are just a couple of the things they’re juggling in planning menus.

Are there any anthropologists teaching at BC?

Are there any anthropologists teaching at BC?
Are there any anthropologists teaching at BC?

Yes, there are! Faculty members in the Lynch School of Education, Patrick McQuillan, Ph.D., and Gabrielle Oliveira, Ph.D., have backgrounds in anthropology. And Theology Department faculty member Mary Ann Hinsdale, Ph.D., teaches Theological Anthropology (THEO 796801).

Why is that the university counseling service so few staff? Everyone knows students need more mental health services + the “Whole-person” education mission should care for students’ well-being, then why don’t BC expands the service?

Why is that the university counseling service so few staff? Everyone knows students need more mental health services + the "Whole-person" education mission should care for students' well-being, then why don't BC expands the service?
Why is that the university counseling service so few staff? Everyone knows students need more mental health services + the “Whole-person” education mission should care for students’ well-being, then why don’t BC expands the service?

It sounds like you’re frustrated with a long wait, and have heard from other students who are as well. It’s good of you to commiserate with them; everyone needs an understanding ear. My assistants have communicated your frustrations to Student Affairs; when they respond, I’ll post it here. I hope you get the help you seek in spite of a long wait.

Student Affairs responds:

While UCS is staffed at levels at least equal to most of our peer institutions, and is always available to students in crisis that day, there is still the reality that students seeking ongoing longer term therapy may have to wait up to a couple of weeks for an appointment. We are piloting a new initiative offering same day consultation appointments for students seeking to address an identified problem in a rapid access fashion. We hope that this will help more accurately and quickly meet student mental health needs. We are always interested in feedback of all sorts, and strive to improve our service to the BC community.

Please do something about the people who go up to the fifth floor & talk on their phones… So annoying!! :(

Please do something abou tht epeople who go up to the fifth floor & talk on their phones... So annoying!!
Please do something about the people who go up to the fifth floor & talk on their phones… So annoying!! 🙁

I understand your frustration! We are working on developing more effective ways of conveying and enforcing building policies. Very soon you will see new signage that will hopefully encourage users to comply with policies intended to maintain a comfortable and respectful library environment.

I work at a vet clinic is there a way I can send doggos and cattos to be petted here to make peeps here happy?

I work at a vet clinic is there a way I can send doggos and cattos to be petted here to make peeps here happy?
I work at a vet clinic is there a way I can send doggos and cattos to be petted here to make peeps here happy?

Thanks so much for thinking of us! The doggos (no kitties) that visit us are all certified therapy dogs, which means they’ve been through a vetting process that reduces the risk of biting or other injuries. The certifying organizations also provide training for the dogs’ human companions, and help with scheduling & arranging. I’m sad to say BC policies force us to pass, but I hope you work out a way to connect your canines & felines with humans in need!

Who is the most attractive member of BC faculty?

Who is the most attractive member of BC faculty?
Who is the most attractive member of BC faculty?

There are many scales of attractiveness. The faculty member most attractive to an institution of higher learning is very likely the one with the most prestigious grants, fellowships, awards, and publications. A Nobel Laureate would be the academic equivalent of a Perfect 10. BC has only ever had one of those among its faculty: the Irish politician John Hume, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the Northern Ireland peace process. As for current faculty, Juliet Schor is making waves in sociology & environmentalism, Elizabeth Graver and Paul Mariani are esteemed authors, and Amir Hovyeda is a star in chemistry. Many more than can fit on a 3×3 post-it!

OK, but teaching’s a part of that evaluation, and the main aspect most students interact w/ a prof on

OK, but teaching's a part of that evaluation, and the main aspect most students interact w/ a prof on (aside from students who research w/profs). Shouldn't teaching students feedback have more weight?
OK, but teaching’s a part of that evaluation, and the main aspect most students interact w/ a prof on (aside from students who research w/profs). Shouldn’t teaching students feedback have more weight?
--> some depts. say they don't even read the evals students submit :0 and why don't other fields benefit from something like tenure? If I mess up/don't do my job, I'm fired!
–> some depts. say they don’t even read the evals students submit :0 and why don’t other fields benefit from something like tenure? If I mess up/don’t do my job, I’m fired!

The Wall does not judge the system, only describes it.

How to transfer into CSOM?

How to transfer into CSOM?
How to transfer into CSOM?

It’s possible, but not easy. “Boston College undergraduate students may apply for internal transfer to the Carroll School of Management for the spring of their sophomore year. The Carroll School accepts a very small number of internal transfer students via a lottery process.” See full details at bit.ly/CSOMtransfer

More therapy dogs?

More therapy dogs? [response: I want cats!]
More therapy dogs? [response: I want cats!]

They are still coming: Saturday, Campbell will be here from 2 pm to 6 pm. Charlie will be awaiting your visit on Monday between 5 pm and 7 pm. And Sailor will end this semester’s visitations on Tuesday with a visit from 7 pm to 9 pm. [As I mentioned yesterday, we would love to have cats and other animals, but the university prefers we stick to dogs. But here’s another picture–Scarlet and Henry!]

Two long-haired cats, one gray and white, one orange and white, on cat perches, looking at camera

do you think university tenure policies should have some sort of clause that if students don’t like a prof-teaching style, approachability, etc.-that tenure should become null and void?

do you think university tenure policies should have some sort of clause that if students don't like a prof - teaching style, approachability, etc. - that tenure should become null and void?
do you think university tenure policies should have some sort of clause that if students don’t like a prof – teaching style, approachability, etc. – that tenure should become null and void?

Faculty are evaluated on research, teaching, and contributions to the university and the scholarly community. Student feedback and evaluations are part of that. bit.ly/bc-faculty-bylaws. Tenure was designed to protect faculty from being fired for not being popular with donors or governments, so whether students “like” a professor seems potentially like a similar issue. More info on tenure and why it’s useful: bit.ly/bc-tenure.

In OK we have the flag at half when someone close to us has passed away. Why is the flag in front of O’Neill always on half?

In OK we have the flag at half when someone close to us has passed away. Why is the flag in front of O'Neill always on half?
In OK we have the flag at half when someone close to us has passed away. Why is the flag in front of O’Neill always on half?

Sometimes, as with President Bush recently, it’s a federal law. But each state and commonwealth makes its own decisions, and my helpers who have lived elsewhere say the flags are at half staff more often here. Right now it honors President Bush, and a Massachusetts firefighter, Christopher Roy, who died over the weekend. If you’re ever curious, the state has a web page which will tell you why: bit.ly/bc-flag

If silence is complicity when dealing with racial issues, does that make Fr. Leahy complicit in racism?

If silence is complicity when dealing with racial issues, does that make Fr. Leahy complicit in racism?
If silence is complicity when dealing with racial issues, does that make Fr. Leahy complicit in racism?

Fr. Leahy usually asks other BC administrators speak on issues such as racism, and the BC administration has not been silent. After the most recent incident, the Provost, the VP for Student Affairs, and school Deans have all made public statements condemning racism and offering support to anyone affected by it.

Why is it so hard for Father Leahy to say something?

Why is it so hard for Father Leahy to say something?
Why is it so hard for Father Leahy to say something?

Everyone has a role at BC, and Fr. Leahy is ultimately responsible for everyone doing their jobs well. I can’t be certain why Fr. Leahy speaks about some issues and not about others, but I am certain that he makes sure the Provost addresses academic issues, the VP for Student Affairs addresses student issues, the VP for Human Resources addresses staff issues, and so on.