Religion in some form is a component of most societies of humans, so empathy and context for how others see the world is one thing. Theology and science are different ways of seeing and making sense of how the world works, but some of the big questions they ask are actually quite similar. And an awful lot of Western culture and history is directly influenced by religion and believers in it. More practically, it’s the explanation for why a lot of things at BC are the way they are.
You are a wise wall.
I guess I just don’t know how to live in a world where I either need to compromise my beliefs and desire for shared humanities, and eventually participate in the system that hurts others; or keep fighting and being told I was too naive and being hurt in the process. The ironic part is that the doctors in the hospitals don’t seem to understand or care about people who end up being involuntarily sent there in the process of fighting for what they believe in, and they can pathologize you with diagnoses and label it as individual problems. This seem to be a misuse of their power, a denial to acknowledge the wrong in the world, and ignorance toward the broader societal issue.
I can feel the pain you’re writing with and from. I’m not sure what to offer you in response. But I was just thinking of the concept ahimsa, the Sanskrit word for non-violence, is very influential in several Eastern religions. It goes beyond what we think of as non-violence to include a lot of philosophical and moral considerations, and how it works in one’s particular context varies. A very short suggested reading list:, Other religious and philosophical traditions also have thoughts on the struggle to live a just life in a world which frequently isn’t.
What is the best way to get
Great question! The best way to get is first to give.
Meow… Why do I like to Meow?
Cats can be very charming creatures. Also, things like Meow Mix commercials can be very catchy.
If our mind tells us not to trust And our heart tells us to trust someone Whom should we adhere to? Heart or brain?
Trust but verify, as they said in Cold War days. You can’t go through life not trusting anyone, but keep your eyes open, especially if your gut is warning you.
I hate cats.
They leave hair everywhere and make lots of noise at night when I’m trying to sleep. I think the differences between cats and dogs, are that men domesticated the dogs, and cats domesticated the women. Because dogs are useful and loyal. And cats are cute, but useless little psycopaths. In my opinion this means that men are more preoccupied with function and women with form( generally speeaking). Also never let your mom buy you a computer. She will buy some kind of abomination gamer pc that she thinks look nice but is a piece of garbage. Ask your father instead. Even if he doesnt understand nothing of computers he will still agree with you when you say that the uglier pc is better than the cute one your mom likes. Am I machist? Or just realist based on historical data avaliable?
You have every right to have preferences for one pet over another, for whatever reasons. You’re also welcome to speculate about the reasons for differences between one human population and another. It would be realistic to be honest about a) the fact that these are speculations grounded only in a few observations of your own and b) the fact that generalizing from a few observations to whole populations is a logical fallacy. A realist should learn both how to make careful, representative observations, and to employ statistical methods to extrapolate from small samples to broader populations, and be able to provide both data collection and analytical methods so others can evaluate the soundness and validity of the observations and analysis. IOW, realists are aware of the limitations of their own perspectives.
Hey wall! If the sacrificial love can save life (like how Harry Potter’s mom protect him), can a person’s sacrifice end the entire pandemic?
I’d rather die to end the pandemic if there’s magic……, but there’s no magic 🙁 Well I guess the only thing we can do is to care for as much people as possible with our limited human power. >< Or, perhaps you know of any magic?
The sacrifices we are all collectively making right now are one of the most powerful expressions of love for each other and our communities I have ever seen.
chicken or egg
Either one would probably be a welcome addition to many household’s provisions right now.
Chicken or Egg? Why not both? You know there’s an Asian dish with chicken in the egg? Btw, do the geese on campus lay eggs ? here? Never seen one before?
Why not both? ? ? ?None of my assistants have seen a goose egg on campus, either. That might be because female Canada geese choose nesting sites that are hidden, and adjacent to open water or marsh. I wouldn’t get too close to one, though: male geese are on patrol. For more info:
Enjoy every second. You’ll never know when it’s your last!
![Enjoy every second. You'll never know when it's your last!](
Good advice regardless of the circumstances. We could all stand to practice a little more mindfulness and appreciation of the current moment.
What would Jesus do?
![What would Jesus do?](
Tend the sick. Look after the vulnerable. As we all should.
Which religious order do you think St. Theresa of Avila saw in her vision from God…
![AM♥G Which religious order do you think St. Theresa of Avila saw in her vision from God, that would last until Christ's parousia -- the Dominicans or the Jesuits?](
One of my helpers is working on this and says a) great question and b) it might be a bit. Watch this space for a follow-up.
Could you give me a reference to the specific vision you have in mind? Poitrey’s Vocabulario de Santa Teresa lists at least thirty references to orders in her work and I’d like to make sure I’m responding to the one you have in mind. In the meantime, we have a pretty extensive book collection on her life and works:
Filioque or nah?
![Filioque or nah?](
That’s a big question and I am but a humble Wall. Our theology librarian laughed when he saw this. Here’s a relatively recent overview of where things stand on this very old controversy about the movements of the Holy Spirit.
Dominus Vobiscum …
![V/Dominus Vobiscum R/ Et cum spiritu Tuum!!! V/Sursum Corda. R/c](
For those not as well-versed in Latin: The Lord be with you. And with your spirit!!! Lift up your hearts. These are common phrases in the liturgy of the Christian church, dating back to the earliest periods of the church, and quite familiar to any Catholics accustomed to hearing the Mass in Latin.
![Habemus ad Dominum](
![v| Gratias agemus Domina Deo nostro r| Dignum et iustum est](
Here’s a quick explanation of the Preface Liturgy (it comes before communion) in the Catholic mass, for those unfamiliar with it: For a deeper dive, here are 700 books on the history of the Catholic liturgy:
![WOW! Where can I find Latin Mass on campus?](
Latin Mass is a relative rarity in the Church today. The only Latin Mass on campus these days is conducted in St. Joseph’s Chapel on upper campus Fridays at noon. See the full Mass Schedule at BC at There is also a Latin Mass conducted at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston at 10AM on Sundays.
![Latin Mass is also held in St. Joe's on Wednesdays @ noon!](
I’m sorry I missed that! Can you speak to whomever runs the calendar of Mass at BC and have them add that? There’s currently no Latin Mass listed on Wednesdays. 🙁
Whoever saves a life saves the world. -Itzhak Stein
![Whoever saves a life saves the world. -Itzhak Stein #NeverForget](
#NeverForget. Tikkun Olam–to mend, repair, and transform the world.
Why do I exist?
![Why do I exist? [response: (you're wanted + loved ❤️)]](
I think the response is lovely, and gets most of the way there. Here’s the other part: you also love in return.
![According to Aristotle, Human being is in between Animal and God. The existence of Human being is to avoid the nature of animal and pursuing the God, so your existence is necessary](
Yes! That, too. So, you see, there are many, many possible reasons for you to exist.
OM Play
![OM Play](
Play is indeed a state of mind. Thanks for the reminder.
What is happiness?
![What is happiness?](
One of my helpers has this to share: “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” ― Marcel Proust
How do you shoot your shot?
![How do you shoot your shot?](
Move into space, aim, press circle (sometimes square), and hope for the best. If I score, I celebrate. If I miss, I blame scripting.
![(Nike logo) Just Do It. (Under Armour logo) I Will)](
There’s an interesting rumor involving the two brands. Supposedly, Stephen Curry lost interest in becoming a Nike athlete after a disatrous presentation intended for Kevin Durant was mistakenly shown to him. While Nike has a well established reputation as an athletic apparel giant, it will be interesting to see how Under Armour tries to make a name for itself going forward.
Quick Q: Anyone know what the point is yet?
![Quick Q: Anyone know what the point is yet?](
It’s okay if you don’t know what your point is, just know that everyone has a point. You’ll discover yours eventually- no rush. There is a great recording from 1970 called “The Point!” which uses a fable to say essentially that. Sadly, the library doesn’t own it, but there is a good plot synopsis here:!
Do the ends justify the means?
![Do the ends justify the means? (...ever?) [Kant says no]](
Kant says no; that’s correct. Aristotle has some useful things to say on this matter, too, in the Nicomachean Ethics (O’Neill Library B430.A5): action falls in a situation-dependent range, and virtuous action generally falls somewhere in the middle–the “golden mean” (e.g., neither overly brave nor overly timid, but adapted to the needs of the situation). You could take a deeper dive into ethics by looking up virtue ethics, deontological ethics (duties and rules) and consequentialism in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (
![Okay, but is that to say that Machiavelli is morally wrong? I understand that Aristotle's point of view is tempting to accept but do you think some situations can require a Machiavellian understanding of ethics? Thanks!](
Though there are some philosophers who argue that Machiavelli is not merely a political and historical thinker, but a political philosopher, few would credit him with a consistently reasoned ethic. Read this entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: He was concerned primarily with the behaviors of heads of non-democratic states, who, he argued, were not bound by the morals that constrained non-rulers. If this concern is important to you, I recommend a course in ethics in the philosophy department, such as Ethics of Peace and War or Ethics, Religion, and International Politics.