can you please find whoever bought the ultra fine toilet paper for campus and ask them to stop being so cheap?

can you please find whoever bought the ultra fine toilet paper for campus and ask them to stop being so cheap? its inhumane, i'm cutting my hands trying to get TP out of the holder because it rips when you pull it. [Reply 1]: I second this. The paper is so thin that I need to get a lot of it and fold everytime. And also it rips easily. [Reply 2]: Yes!!!
can you please find whoever bought the ultra fine toilet paper for campus and ask them to stop being so cheap? its inhumane, i’m cutting my hands trying to get TP out of the holder because it rips when you pull it. [Reply 1]: I second this. The paper is so thin that I need to get a lot of it and fold everytime. And also it rips easily. [Reply 2]: Yes!!!
TP all over makes the restrooms look filthy when they're not
TP all over makes the restrooms look filthy when they’re not

Facilities Management says they have received a few other complaints as well, and are meeting with the vendor to look at better options.

Mi dici la ricette della pasta alla carbonara?

Mi dici la ricette della pasta alla carbonara?
Mi dici la ricette della pasta alla carbonara?

Forse questa?

Questo e’ un sito italiano dove trovare la classica ricetta degli spaghetti alla carbonara: Ci sono diverse varieta’ alla ricetta degli spaghetti alla carbonara. Consiglio il ristorante Italiano Spiga che si trova a Needham, li’ ho mangiato il migliore piatto degli spaghetti alla carbonara. Era fatto con la pancetta grattugiata, pezzi di salmone affumicato e con un uovo intero sopra gli spaghetti. Cremoso e delizioso! La fine del mondo! Buon appetito!

I want to go home. What do I do?

I want to go home. What do I do?
I want to go home. What do I do?

Luckily, both Spring Break and the Easter long weekend are coming up soon. Can you schedule a trip home during one of those breaks? In the meantime, try calling, FaceTiming, Skyping, or emailing your friends and family back home or putting up pictures from home to help bring a piece of home to the BC campus. Homesickness is a natural part of many people’s college experience, so whatever you decide to do, know that many people are struggling with this same feeling. If the struggle is getting you down and none of these suggestions help, you might want to talk to Counseling Services ( as well.

Do you think Tom Brady is a scientologist?

Do you think Tom Brady is a scientologist?
Do you think Tom Brady is a scientologist?

The only supported information my assistants could find on Tom Brady’s religiosity is on – not exactly a librarian’s reference source of choice, but backed up by citations to popular publications. He was raised Catholic, had a Catholic marriage to Gisele Bundchen, and christened his son as a Catholic. If he’s a scientologist, he’s being so secretive about it that no gossip columnist or papparazi has yet unearthed it.

Should I fly to MIAMI for spring break?

Should I fly to MIAMI for spring break?
Should I fly to MIAMI for spring break?

Maybe visit Everglades National Park – the wildlife is outstanding – and/or kayak off Key Largo. Mangrove tunnels and manatees, oh my! We also just got this book “Geology of the Florida Keys”(QE100.F56 S55 2018) if you want to learn more about The Keys. And while you’re soaking up the sun in Miami, soak up some Cuban culture (and Cuban coffee); if you’re still there Sunday of Spring Break (3/11), you’re in luck – it’s Carnaval Miami on Calle Ocho ( It’s worth considering, though, that some of the survivors of the Parkland shooting have asked for a boycott of Florida tourism until their legislature passes tougher gun laws.

Full time library puppy please. ( I will volunteer to bring him home over breaks)

Full time library puppy please ( I will volunteer to bring him home over breaks)
Full time library puppy please. ( I will volunteer to bring him home over breaks)

Sigh… if I had legs & arms & could walk and feed and snuggle with puppy, I’d want more than one. I’ll put in a word with my assistants, but don’t hold your breath. I suspect there might be a hitch or two, such as a responsibility to patrons who are afraid of dogs or allergic to them, and I’m sure the lawyers will have something to say about liability. Being human must be so difficult!

Can I sleep in lib over night?

Can I sleep in lib over night?
Can I sleep in lib over night?

As much as I would love the company, unfortunately, you can’t sleep in the library overnight. And, this is probably for the best since I doubt you would find the library particularly comfortable for a full night’s sleep. But, if you want to extend your visit as long as possible, you can stay on the first floor of O’Neill until 2 am on weekends!

If I like something a lot but often struggle in it should I keep pursuing it as my major?

If I like something a lot but often struggle in it should I keep pursuing it as my major?
If I like something a lot but often struggle in it should I keep pursuing it as my major?

I would recommend focusing less on the struggle and more on whether your major gives you a sense of fulfillment. Just because something is difficult or we struggle with it, does not mean that it is not worthwhile. However, difficulty alone does not make a topic or activity worthwhile either. So, I believe that thinking about what your goals are and what you get out of your major will be a more helpful tool in deciding what path to take. Do you feel a sense of accomplishment as you struggle with it? Is it in an area in which you hope to work? Despite the struggle, do you find periods enjoyment or joy from your major? If you find it tough to answer these questions, you might want to talk to someone at the BC Career Center ( or Counseling Services ( to get some advice.

Answer Wall: My best friend (ex-best friend) did Sth terrible (super terrible:( ) to me, and I chose to stop being her friend.

Answer Wall: My best friend (ex-best friend) did Sth terrible (super terrible:( ) to me, and I chose to stop being her friend. Now I feel terrible for not feeling like to forgive her to see her at all. I know this sounds really cruel. But I don't really know how to deal w/these kinds of things. I was taught to be a "kind" person my whole life. No one told me how to be a bitch. How do you reconcile your own feeling and ethics?
Answer Wall: My best friend (ex-best friend) did Sth terrible (super terrible:( ) to me, and I chose to stop being her friend. Now I feel terrible for not feeling like to forgive her to see her at all. I know this sounds really cruel. But I don’t really know how to deal w/these kinds of things. I was taught to be a “kind” person my whole life. No one told me how to be a bitch. How do you reconcile your own feeling and ethics?

You’re being too hard on yourself. Breaking up a friendship because someone does something super terrible to you does not make you a bitch or unkind or unethical! Take some of your lifelong training to be kind and turn it inward. Maybe at some point you’ll feel that you can forgive her (and maybe not), but it’s really OK to not be ready to do that now. If this is tearing you up inside and making you miserable, please consider talking to someone more 3 dimensional than me, at Counseling Services

Hi Wall, It’s midterm week and its hard to get a seat here. Its there anyway that I can save a seat for myself for a certain period of time? By the way, I’m by myself so I don’t think I can register for the group study room.

Hi Wall, It's midterm week and its hard to get a seat here. Its there anyway that I can save a seat for myself for a certain period of time? By the way, I'm by myself so I don't think I can register for the group study room.
Hi Wall,
It’s midterm week and its hard to get a seat here. Its there anyway that I can save a seat for myself for a certain period of time? By the way, I’m by myself so I don’t think I can register for the group study room.

I’m sorry you’re having a hard time finding a place to study. You’re correct that you shouldn’t register for a group study room when your intent is to study alone. I’m sorry to report that O’Neill Library – fine establishment though it is – does not take reservations for other seating. I recommend checking out other spaces on campus, such as in our other libraries (e.g. Bapst Art Library, Educational Resource Center, Social Work Library, Theology & Ministry Library) and other spaces on campus conducive to study, such as common areas in academic buildings & residence halls, empty classrooms, or even dining halls, if you don’t mind a general hum of activity.

Why does BC act like they care about their students?

Why does BC act like they care about their students?
Why does BC act like they care about their students?

Who is BC, though? It’s all of us, collectively. I (and my helpers) care very much about you guys. And I’ve seen many students being very kind and generous with their time for other students as well. Not to mention the many faculty who go above and beyond, because they do care. Are there likely some callus individuals among us, sure, but I am sorry you are only “seeing” them.

Yuan Yin is Midterm 真难,写不完。SuperSad! (I didn’t finish my paper because the midterm was so hard. SuperSad!)

Yuan Yin is Midterm 真难,写不完。SuperSad! (I didn't finish my paper because the midterm was so hard. SuperSad!)
Yuan Yin is Midterm 真难,写不完。SuperSad! (I didn’t finish my paper because the midterm was so hard. SuperSad!)

It can be tough to keep up with all of your coursework, so don’t be too hard on yourself! If the paper isn’t due yet, you might want to talk to your professor about an extension or talk to the Connors Family Learning Center ( about techniques for finishing it up or suggestions for how to better manage your work in the future. Most of all, remember that grades (and particularly one single grade) aren’t the most important thing in life!

Wall, why am I so afraid of death?

Wall, why am I so afraid of death?
Wall, why am I so afraid of death?

It’s not unusual that the idea of death should cross our minds on occasion. There is much to alarm us in the news (deaths from flu; school shootings, etc.) Or perhaps someone we love or know is ill or has recently passed. Or perhaps we’re just in an existential frame of mind. The Libraries has a range of material that might be useful in grappling with this issue, including “Nothing to be frightened of,” a memoir by Julian Barnes (O’Neill PR6052 A6657 Z46 2008); or perhaps “Treating health anxiety and fear of death: A practitioner’s guide,” which is more of a toolset for clinicians and counselors (Social Work Library RC531 F87 2007); or “Be Not Afraid: Overcoming the Fear of Death (Theology & Ministry Library BT825 A69 2002), a compilation of stories of people who did just that. If you find that your fear is persistent and/or interfering with your daily life, please contact Counseling Services at for help.

BC needs 24/7 Pancake Service. How do I make this happen?

BC needs 24/7 pancake service. How do I make this happen?
BC needs 24/7 pancake service. How do I make this happen?

The Wall’s acolytes are very excited about this idea. From our collection, you might enjoy this Culinary Arts Career Starter:, or this film on starting a catering business (, or this catchy title from 1688: The gentlewomans cabinet unlocked. Wherein is contained many excellent receipts for neat dressing of divers sorts of meats; as flesh and fish, with their proper sauces· Also directions for the best way of making pancakes, fritters, tansies, puddings, custards, cheesecakes…. ( You could suggest it to Dining Services, they’re nice: The Wall also has suggestions for places to go for more information on starting a business–ask again if that’s what you’re after.