What do you think about Italians?

What do you think about Italians?

Italians invented the word “graffiti,” so as a wall, I’m a little mixed. Then again, they also were expert practitioners of “sgraffito,” an artistic close cousin of graffiti with well-known practitioners from the workshop of the artist Raphael. Here’s an example from Firenze: bit.ly/sgraffito-firenze. They knew how to treat a wall! I hear the food is also good, and the music. And did you see the Italian Olympic skating team? What a good-natured bunch, full of camaraderie!

What can we do to stop all these school shootings? So many innocent people die, it’s sick.

What can we do to stop all these school shootings? So many innocent people die, it’s sick.

This is a difficult topic and so far a great failure of the United States. There have been too many school shootings here: if you search for “school shootings” and “stop OR prevent” in databases such as Academic OneFile, Education Research Complete, and PsycInfo, you will find that a good amount of research has been done. Perhaps a viable solution will be one that includes several different strategies, from better training and education to recognize those who may be in trouble, to better mental health services to help them, to better gun control laws, and so on (see this article and references in PolitiFact for a summary: bit.ly/stop-shootings). It will not be easy; educating ourselves (but beware of bots and trolls online) and talking is a good first step, but it does seem as though many lawmakers are not really willing to be part of the solution. We must keep talking and learning, speak out, vote for candidates who will address the issue. And we must continue to support those who have been victims of gun violence. Students in Parkland FL are leading the charge, with a planned march in DC (and one is apparently being planned here in Boston as well: bit.ly/marchforourlivesboston) as well as other events: bit.ly/walkout-shootings.

will we pass our Microecon midterm tomorrow?

will we pass our Microecon midterm tomorrow?

The Wall wishes all students best of luck on midterms – it’s a stressful time! I feel very hopeful about your chances. If you don’t end up doing as well as you hope, and are struggling with the concepts, please consider spending some quality time with a peer tutor at the Connors Family Learning Center (bit.ly/BC-connors).

Why [name redacted] can’t smile?

Why can't [name redacted] smile?
Why can’t [name redacted] smile?

It’s almost certainly not “can’t”. Maybe [name redacted] doesn’t feel like it, or is thinking over something complicated, or only smiles among close friends, or comes from a culture that thinks smiling for no reason makes you look like an idiot. bit.ly/bc-smile. It might be interesting to think about why you think they should smile, and whether that’s more about you than them.

Why can’t I understand [name redacted]?

Why can't I understand [name redacted]?
Why can’t I understand [name redacted]?

Hm. Not sure. Do you mean you can’t comprehend the words they speak, or something deeper, like their nature or character, or perhaps their perspective? If you can remain comfortable with ambiguity, sometimes people you can’t initially understand can offer you new perspectives that enrich your life.

BCPD = :( => ?

BCPD = :( => ?
BCPD = 🙁 => ?

If this is in response to the yet-unanswered question, please know the Wall’s helpers have been in contact with BCPD, who have said they will have an answer soon. If it’s not about that, are you asking whether they’re sad? 🙁 I don’t know. I’m sure police work is challenging, especially in that officers are often exposed to the worst moments in people’s lives. That could certainly make a police officer sad.

What do I do? This guy from out of state really likes me but I don’t wanna get in a relationship! #HELP but he seems like a really nice person?

What do I do? This guy from out of state really likes me but I don't wanna get in a relationship! #HELP but he seems like a really nice person?
What do I do? This guy from out of state really likes me but I don’t wanna get in a relationship! #HELP but he seems like a really nice person?

I think you’ve made it clear you don’t want a relationship (however nice he may be) and that is sufficient. You do not owe anyone a relationship. I would advise being polite but direct. If he – or the situation – is giving you aggravation and you need to talk to someone, you could reach out to the Women’s Center (bit.ly/BC-WC) or University Counseling services (bit.ly/BC-counseling).

What is blockchain?

What is blockchain?
What is blockchain?

Blockchain is hard to explain via post-it. Let’s say I spend money from my bank account in January and make a document with all of my transactions: how much they were, who I paid, etc. I can continue to add to that ledger throughout my lifetime, but it eventually gets to be such a big file that I can’t move it anywhere. In order to make it smaller, I can take chunks of a ledger (say January only) and create hashes (unique IDs based on the contents of the file). Then I can add the hash of all of the January transactions to my February ledger and I now know where to look for January’s if I want to go back that far. The same is true for March, I can add the hash of February, which also contains the hash of January’s transactions. This is where the “chain” part comes in, you’re creating a chain of pointers back to blocks of information all the way back to the beginning. A (better) simple explanation can be found here: bit.ly/blockchainsimple. Princeton has a great and VERY detailed video series on blockchain here: bit.ly/princetonblockchain

Does God exist?

Does God exist?
Does God exist?

The number of arguments for or against the existence of God capital G (the supreme deity of the Abrahamic traditions Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) is so vast that it would be a challenge even to fit the *types* of arguments on a post-it. I recommend searching “existence of god” in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy for starters: bit.ly/stanford-philosophy. You can also see what we have in BC Libraries for books & other items:  bit.ly/does-God-exist. I would also recommend talking to a religious professional you trust, if this is a crisis of faith.

Where do old questions go?

Where do old questions go?
Where do old questions go?

Do you mean the questions you ask me? They’re all on my blog: answerwall.domain.bc.edu. Other questions are something of a mystery. Many of the answers are in libraries. You could reverse engineer the answers to find the questions. But those are all answers in writing, which are historically probably the minority of questions. If one day someone in ancient Carthage asked a wise man when the rains would come, well, that question is kind of… gone. Blowin’ in the wind, you might say.

Cake or bagels?

Cake of bagels?
Cake or bagels?

Why not both? Bagels for breakfast and cake for dessert at dinner? Or cake for breakfast and bagels for dinner? That would be the simple way. There are some folks who try to combine the two, for example, The Bagel Store (http://www.thebagelstoreonline.com/) offers rainbow bagels with funfetti cake sprinkles mixed in the cream cheese. And there are many recipes online for sweet cakes that look like bagels. I’m a Wall and can’t eat but I’m feeling hungry … let me know what you decide on!

What is the origin of pie?

What is the origin of pie?
What is the origin of pie?

Food history is a fascinating topic. We have several resources in the TX353 call number range (Floor 3, Shelf 141.) One gets bogged down in the fierce controversies about “what is pie?” The short answer is that some form of pie-like baked good existed in ancient Egyptian and Greek culture – not your typical dessert dish of today, though! Here’s a fun blog post about it from the Library of Congress: bit.ly/PieHistoryLC

How do you measure the circumference of a horse?

How do you measure the circumference of a horse?
How do you measure the circumference of a horse?

First assume the horse is a perfect sphere…. But seriously, if you mean the girth, that is measured with a tape measure “just behind the slope of the withers,” according to the Leatherdale Equine Center at UMinnesota. See (bit.ly/HorseySize) for more detail, and measuring neck circumference, etc.

学习太好了! 怎么办? (My studying is so great! What do I do?)

学习太好了! 怎么办? (My studying is so great! What do I do?)
学习太好了! 怎么办? (My studying is so great! What do I do?)
学习太好了! 怎么办? (My studying is so great! What do I do?) Become a stripper Go [redacted] a [redacted].
学习太好了! 怎么办? (My studying is so great! What do I do?) Become a stripper Go [redacted] a [redacted].

Translation: My studying is so great! What do I do? Unfortunately, one of the things you’ve found out is that one potential response to announcing you’re doing well is a rude response. I congratulate you on your success thus far. One thing you can do is help other people succeed: offer encouragement, study strategies that have worked for you, or even tutoring. Depending on the subject, the CFLC (bit.ly/BC-connors) might be looking for tutors.