Why is [redacted name] better than [redacted name]?

Why is [redacted name] better than [redacted name]?
Why is [redacted name] better than [redacted name]?

According to what criteria? I don’t think people can really be compared that way. Not only might you make a mistake in judgement (a certain man was poor at math in school & then changed the world as a brilliant physicist), but you risk overlooking someone’s virtues. Everyone’s worthy of love. What the world needs is love, not comparisons, not even in jest.

How do I tell my meat loving girlfriend that I’m vegan?

How do I tell my meat loving girlfriend that I'm vegan? [reply] Don't be a vegan.
How do I tell my meat loving girlfriend that I’m vegan? [reply] Don’t be a vegan.

If being a vegan is an important part of your identity, you must tell her. If you can’t tell her about an important part of your identity, that’s a problem, and it has to do with trust, not with veganism. If it’s not really all that important to you, then telling her shouldn’t be a problem. Right? (But wait… don’t you ever eat together? why wouldn’t she already know? Have you actively been hiding it?) As to the reply, “Don’t be a vegan”: Hm. Well. I’m a post-it-arian, so far be it from me to criticize or attempt to manage someone else’s dietary practices.

When will I land an internship? :(

When will I land an internship? :(
When will I land an internship? 🙁

Finding an internship or job can be very stressful. It is not unlike applying to colleges. The key is to know what you really want, have one or more backup plans, and stay calm. Luckily, the BC Career Center has experts in helping you find a job or internship. If you haven’t already spoken with them, do so right away (they’re great people!) They also have a website with helpful info on the job/internship process- bit.ly/BC-career

How do I stop getting f’d over by BC Housing?

How do I stop getting f'd over by BC Housing?
How do I stop getting f’d over by BC Housing?

If you mean room selection, it’s an unfortunate truth that many students will not be able to get their choice of housing. Often students do find they are quite happy in their not-first-choice housing, according to my sources in Res Life. If you have more specific issues with housing, I suggest their FAQ (www.bc.edu/offices/reslife/faq.html) or giving them a call: 2-3060.

你会写韩语吗? (Do you write Korean?) Please Show me.

[Chinese & Korean awaiting translation] Please show me.
你会写韩语吗? (Do you write Korean?) Please Show me. In Korean:  I don’t know how to do it. Hello, how are you?

It’s so gratifying (and helpful!) that other visitors to the wall have obliged me by writing Korean on my behalf. And I love the irony: what the visitor wrote in Korean was “I don’t know how to do it.” And also a friendly “Hello, How are you?” 네, 안녕하세요. 반갑습니다. 글 남겨주셔서 감사합니다.

Why is a very ill old, homeless man in a church not *everyone’s* “problem”?

I attended 5:30 mass today 2/7/18 and there was an AA mtg after. A man was very ill, coughing & wet his pants. BC PD said "not our problem."
I attended 5:30 mass today 2/7/18 and there was an AA mtg after. A man was very ill, coughing & wet his pants. BC PD said “not our problem.”
Why is a very ill old, homeless man in a church not *everyone's* "problem"?
Why is a very ill old, homeless man in a church not *everyone’s* “problem”?

It might be worthwhile inquiring at the church (was it St. Ignatius?) what they do when people who seem to be sick and unable to care for themselves come to the church. Some churches provide some care (such as food or temporary shelter), and many can refer people to social services (such as the ones listed by Boston Public Library: guides.bpl.org/guide4help). Policing is also mixed on its relationship to social services: some departments have tried closer links with social services, but many haven’t. It’s a widespread problem (bit.ly/police-social-work) owing to changing policing priorities as crime falls and substance abuse and poverty and homelessness rise. I’d like to think that officer meant BCPD wasn’t equipped to solve that kind of problem, not that they shouldn’t be expected to be humane.

Why is [redacted] (2021er MCAS) so nice!!!!!

Why is [redacted] (2021er MCAS) so nice!!!!! [phrase in Chinese]
Why is [redacted] (2021er MCAS) so nice!!!!! In Chinese: and old.

There’s just no explaining some people, whose nice-ness (niceousity?) is so radiant that you just have to stand back and appreciate it, and hope you can absorb some yourself. I recommend giving your friend a shout-out in person. (Sorry I had the name redacted: I follow a privacy policy so strict that it makes my assistants think I’m a little obsessive.) “And old”? Is that an in-joke in Beijing or something? I don’t get it.

Why Giammario is still single?

Why Giammario is still single?
Why Giammario is still single?

I have been asked several times about how one finds true love and when one can be sure they have found their life partner. The answers are never simple. So, perhaps Giammario is also still trying to figure this out.

I have a lot of math homework. What should I do? :)

[in Chinese] I have a lot of math homework. What should I do? :)
数学作业多, 怎么办? 🙂 I have a lot of math homework. What should I do? 🙂

1. Set aside sufficient time. 2. Take it in short bursts, with rests for stretching & snacks (maybe even offer yourself rewards: if I get x # of problems done in an hour, I get a treat.) 3. Get help from a tutor in the CFLC (bit.ly/BC-connors); a firmer understanding might make the work go faster. Good luck! If you need a handy reference tool for problems that assume other knowledge, this book might help: Mastering Mathematics: How to be a Great Math Student. (O’Neill Library QA11 .S63 1994).

It is hard for me to study. What should I do? :(

[In Chinese] It is hard for me to study. What should I do?
学习好难,怎么办? 🙁
It is hard for me to study. What should I do? 🙁

Is it emotionally hard (Ugh, I’m not motivated to study) or cognitively hard? (I study and study, but I don’t seem to understand the concepts)? If it’s emotions, ask yourself what would have to change for studying to be something you could face? Maybe sitting down with friends would help. Maybe you just need a cup of coffee, or 10 minutes of meditation or rest. If it’s thought processes, get a tutor through the CFLC: bit.ly/BC-connors. I also suggest this book: Learning from the learners : successful college students share their effective learning habits. (O’Neill Library LB2395 .L385 2018).

How can you overcome jealousy?

How can you overcome jealousy?
How can you overcome jealousy?

There are many books on the subject of jealousy around the call number BF575.J4, such as Romantic Jealousy: Causes, Symptoms, Cures. Jealousy is an apprehensive, fearful emotional state that comes from a lack of trust. If you find you’re often jealous, you need to work on trust. The counseling office (bit.ly/BC-counseling) can help. If this is a specific situation with a specific person, have they done something to abuse your trust? If so, it’s unlikely you can overcome that without some effort from them. If not, then work on trust.

What does a guy have to do around here to get a snow day?

What does a guy have to do around here to get a snow day?
What does a guy have to do around here to get a snow day?

The Wall believes the weather has to be hazardous to humans, rather than just annoying, for BC to close. You can also try one of the snow day superstitions, such as sleeping with your pajamas on backwards, a spoon under the pillow, or flushing an ice cube down the toilet. (Though I wouldn’t count on it!) Ask again if you’d like a more detailed answer.

Can we get a hot water boiler in the library please

Can we get a hot water boiler in the library please... AGREED!!
Can we get a hot water boiler in the library please… AGREED!!

You are not the first to request this. Library staff met with people to determine the logistics and cost. Apparently it is not so simple or cheap. I’ll forward your request and try to start the conversation yet again, even if I end up IN hot water rather than supplying it.

Hi powerful Wall, Do u know what is WMD short for :)

Hi powerful Wall, Do u know what is WMD short for :)
Hi powerful Wall, Do u know what is WMD short for 🙂

Did you write WMD? I love Wikipedia for those pesky acronyms and initialisms. Search Wikipedia, and you will likely land on a disambiguation page like this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WMD. Which, in this case, tells me it might be short for: weapon of mass destruction or weighted mean in statistics or wiggle-match-dating or wiggle matching in carbon dating or Westmead railway station, Sydney, Australia, station code or Wymondham railway station, Wymondham, England, station code or World Malaria Day!

Why is the mens room on the first floor of O’Neil now a family room.

Why is the mens room on the first floor of O'Neil now a family room. Now more people are going to use that. Can it be changed back?
Why is the mens room on the first floor of O’Neil now a family room. Now more people are going to use that. Can it be changed back?

Facilities Management designated approximately 50 single-occupant restrooms across campus as gender neutral. The single-occupant bathrooms at O’Neill’s first and third floors were among the bathrooms that received this new designation. The Library will submit your feedback.