I have a lot of math homework. What should I do? :)

[in Chinese] I have a lot of math homework. What should I do? :)
数学作业多, 怎么办? 🙂 I have a lot of math homework. What should I do? 🙂

1. Set aside sufficient time. 2. Take it in short bursts, with rests for stretching & snacks (maybe even offer yourself rewards: if I get x # of problems done in an hour, I get a treat.) 3. Get help from a tutor in the CFLC (bit.ly/BC-connors); a firmer understanding might make the work go faster. Good luck! If you need a handy reference tool for problems that assume other knowledge, this book might help: Mastering Mathematics: How to be a Great Math Student. (O’Neill Library QA11 .S63 1994).