日本語の大切な文法を忘れています。(I am forgetting important grammar in Japanese.)

日本語の大切な文法を忘れています。日本語を自然に話すようになりたい。I am forgetting important grammar in Japanese. I want to speak Japanese fluently.
日本語の大切な文法を忘れています。日本語を自然に話すようになりたい。(I am forgetting important grammar in Japanese. I want to speak Japanese fluently. )

What you probably need more than anything is conversation. There’s a Japan Club of BC, but it might be a little inactive. Try emailing them: jcbccontact@gmail.com. If you don’t get a response, try contacting the Office of Student Involvement: bc.edu/osi. Or you can check out these language resources: bit.ly/bc-japanese-resources. Or contact Asian Studies to see if they have additional solutions: bit.ly/bc-asian-studies

As VP of the Japan club, I can assure you that we are very active. Come check us out at Night Market Oct 24 6-8 PM at O'Neill Plaza!!
As VP of the Japan club, I can assure you that we are very active. Come check us out at Night Market Oct 24 6-8 PM at O’Neill Plaza!!

Ooooooh, I’m so embarrassed! (And so glad all these post-its cover my blushing!) My helpers should have looked into this more deeply. Well, now we all know! Find the Japanese Club (and many other cultural groups) at the Night Market on Oct 24: bit.ly/bc-night-market. Food! Games! Prizes!