我 太 丑了, 怎 么 办?

我  太  丑 了,怎  么  办?wǒ  tài   chǒu  le ,  zěn mo  bàn ? (I am too ugly. What should I do?)
我 太 丑 了,怎 么 办?wǒ tài chǒu le , zěn mo bàn ? (I am too ugly. What should I do?)

I would suggest trying to avoid thinking of yourself that way. The most important thing is feeling good about how you look. Try not to let any negative criticism have such an effect on you that it gives you a low opinion of yourself. Finally, if there is something or several things you don’t like about yourself, try and develop a positive attitude that strives to help make you the best version of yourself.