I will have my assistants find out which office you need to talk to for this information.
Update from the Dean of Students office: “No, a student cannot be required to go on a leave of absence just for a suicide attempt. The university does, however, have an Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy (bit.ly/BC-inv-LOA) that can be applied in extreme/rare circumstances, e.g. in situations where a student demonstrates behavior that poses a threat to health or safety or is significantly disruptive to the University learning environment. Even when used, this policy requires an individualized assessment of the situation and every attempt would be made to find solutions that are not mandated leaves. Over the last few years, this policy has been applied only a couple of times. If you would like to talk with someone more about this policy, please contact Caroline Davis, Associate Dean for Student Outreach & Support at caroline.davis.2@bc.edu, 617-552-3470 or by stopping by 448 Maloney Hall to schedule an appointment.”