I dropped pre-med to relieve myself of a burden I didn’t even want, but now I feel like a failure. How do I find another path in life or a new passion?

I dropped pre-med to relieve myself of a burden I didn't even want, but now I feel like a failure. How do I find another path in life or a new passion?
I dropped pre-med to relieve myself of a burden I didn’t even want, but now I feel like a failure. How do I find another path in life or a new passion?

Dropping something that feels like a burden is not failure, it’s making a choice. There are lots of ways to have a happy life. If you’ve had a single goal (even one you didn’t want) for a long time, it may take a while to get out of that mode. That’s OK. Practically speaking, it’s not a bad idea to stop by BC’s Career Center–I can guarantee you’re not the only student they’ve talked to who’s made a similar choice. bit.ly/BC-findajob. Be kind to yourself, and listen to what you enjoy, to what you do for its own sake. That’s where new passions tend to hide.