My cousin the Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis University’s Goldfarb-Farber Library

Please enjoy these pictures of my cousin the Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis University’s Goldfarb-Farber Library. I visited earlier this summer. We had a great time! As you can tell, Express Yo’self is a little more freewheeling and adventurous than me.

"We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of the decadent American society. We want education that teachs us our true history and our role in the present day society." -- Blank Panther Party, 10-point program, point #5
Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis
Express Yo'self Wall at Brandeis: cartoon character with speech bubble: I dunno what to tell you man
Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis
Though my soul must set for darkness/It shall rise in perfect light/I have loved the stars too fondly/To be fearful of the night
Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis
Express Yo'self Wall at Brandeis: cartoon bird with speech bubble: "Oh No..." I am the Best! We are the BEST!
Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis
Express Yo'self Wall at Brandeis: jumble of illegible words near a series of buttons on the wall.
Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis
Express Yo'self Wall at Brandeis: jumble of illegible words, and: We all have both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. that's who we really are.
Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis
Express Yo'self Wall at Brandeis: several cartoon figures, including Batman. Illegible text.
Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis
Express Yo'self Wall at Brandeis: realistic drawing of girl's face and hair. Chinese writing. Please! Next time I want to have a crush on a non-gay...[illegible, obscured by drawing of girl]
Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis
Express Yo'self Wall at Brandeis: We are either our greatest enemies or our greatest friends. Or both. Live Your Life. Love Trumps Hate. [drawing of chameleon]
Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis
Express Yo'self Wall at Brandeis: [cartoon figure peering out from behind another] SMAE
Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis
Express Yo'self Wall at Brandeis: [drawing of palm tree and monkey] Be Happy, DJ Ross, Hour 7! [small cartoon faces]
Express Yo’self Wall at Brandeis