Could you recommend a good book of personal essays (an author you like)?

Could you recommend a good book of personal essays (an author you like)?
Could you recommend a good book of personal essays (an author you like)?

I don’t know your interests, so I’ll recommend several. For humorous & honest essays about writing, it’s hard to beat Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life (O’Neill PN147 .L315 1994). For intriguing & dreamlike essays about personal growth, art, and the loss of a difficult mother: The Faraway Nearby, by Rebecca Solnit. (O’Neill PS3569.O585 Z46 2013) For powerful essays about race, either the well-known Between the World & Me, by Ta Nehisi Coates (BC Libraries, check catalog for many listings) or the lesser-known but equally powerful How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America, by Kiese Laymon (O’Neill PS3612.A959 Z46 2013), both of which owe a major debt to James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time (O’Neill & TML E185.61 .B195 1993). If any are unavailable, any other books by these authors are worth pursuing. Happy reading!