The Magic 8 Ball says “Outlook Good.” But she has her good days and bad days, like any of us. Wishing you success this go ’round!
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
The Magic 8 Ball says “Outlook Good.” But she has her good days and bad days, like any of us. Wishing you success this go ’round!
Although there’s no reason you can’t do both (successfully?) at some point in your life, you may want to consult the knowledgeable folks at the Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career) for some guidance on your career choices. They can discuss the pros and cons of your various possible futures. Though I admit this might be a first for them…
Translation: My studying is so great! What do I do? Unfortunately, one of the things you’ve found out is that one potential response to announcing you’re doing well is a rude response. I congratulate you on your success thus far. One thing you can do is help other people succeed: offer encouragement, study strategies that have worked for you, or even tutoring. Depending on the subject, the CFLC (bit.ly/BC-connors) might be looking for tutors.