That is so kind of you! For some reason I’m not going to quibble about, they let Dry-Erase Boards like myself travel without a ticket. But I’m low on vacation time, so I’ll have to decline your sweet offer, and I’ll be hanging around during break.
Where are you going for Spring Break?
I will be hanging in Chestnut Hill, waiting for my friends who stay local to come by and visit me!
I am going to Cancun for spring break and am really scared – my friends want to do drugs I am allergic to them
If your friends can’t respect that, there’s a big problem with them. Peer pressure to use drugs is ugly enough to begin with, without adding the risk of allergic reactions to the mix. It’s just a few days away, but I hope you can be firm about your intentions and get some agreement from them before heading there. And have a fantastic trip!
What is the best possible thing one could do while on Spring Break?
Fall in love? Make a really big difference in someone’s life by helping them overcome a major problem of some kind? Broker a peace deal in the Middle East that satisfies all parties? Or maybe you should just take a vacation, which means disburdening yourself of the need to do the best possible thing.