My helpers and I have only seen mice, not rats – are you sure they’re rats? In any case, Facillities is aware of the problem and taking what measures they can.

No worries, they assure me they were not offended.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
My helpers and I have only seen mice, not rats – are you sure they’re rats? In any case, Facillities is aware of the problem and taking what measures they can.
No worries, they assure me they were not offended.
I had a nice chat with those in the know about our resident rodents. Basically, O’Neill is open 24/5, is very well-used, and allows snacks. Under these circumstances, mice are going to feel encouraged. Facillities is aware of the issue and does what it can. There are certainly ghosts on the 4th, though – I found 51 results in just the Ghosts in Literature subject heading…
The CDC has some good advice (bit.ly/RidRat): seal up any holes in your home; remove food sources like spilled foods, pet foods, bird seed; keep your garbage tightly closed; and set up traps.
They’re devious, aren’t they! But they haven’t managed to chew their way into my blog, so you can always check the answers there: library.bc.edu/answerwall/ . I did have my assistants alert the folks who alert the exterminators.
I’ll report it to the library administration, thanks.
When people devour books, it’s metaphorical. Mice, not so much.