Blame the economics of dairy packaging – and the introduction of the metric system 50 years ago! It was cheaper to go to bags than create an entirely new range of glass bottle (or plastic jugs). More details: bit.ly/MooBags
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
Blame the economics of dairy packaging – and the introduction of the metric system 50 years ago! It was cheaper to go to bags than create an entirely new range of glass bottle (or plastic jugs). More details: bit.ly/MooBags
It’s possible to have too much milk from both the supply and consumption angles. For the former, I found this recent open access review article on PubMed: bit.ly/MilkOversupply; and while this systematic review of “Daily milk consumption and all-cause mortality” (bit.ly/MilkRisk) found no clear evidence of increased risk, there are certainly individuals for whom excess consumption of milk is a hazard.