What is being done negotiating the hookup culture on campus?

What is being done negotiating the hookup culture on campus?
What is being done negotiating the hookup culture on campus?

It’s not an easy problem to solve, but there are ongoong efforts here. Faculty both teach classes relevant to changing hookup culture (e.g. Kerry Cronin’s class Dating Project), and conduct research on the subject. The BC Women’s Center holds a “ResTalk” program called “Undressing the Hookup Culture” (see bit.ly/HookupResTalk).


Answer Wall, how can I hook up a boy that I only met once?

Answer Wall, how can I hook up a boy that I only met once?
Answer Wall, how can I hook up a boy that I only met once?

My understanding is that hookups can happen with people someone knows well or with people they just met. There doesn’t seem to be a social protocol around this issue. So, you should wait until YOU are comfortable approaching him about having a hookup. Then it’s up to him to tell you whether or not HE is comfortable. The key is for both of you to wait until you are both comfortable and not under the influence of substances or external pressures.