Grad school can be a lonely time, but there are ways to make it better. Try some events held by The Office of Graduate Student Life ( – Waffle Wednesdays sound very appealing! Also, you could talk to the staff at Murray House, who have creating community among grad students at BC as part of their mission.
Why BC doesn’t help graduate students same as undergrad no grants no scholarships
There are a variety of types of aid available for graduate students through the University, including assistantships, fellowships and scholarships, as fell as various federal aid and other loans available from outside sources ( Also, contact your department about other opportunities in your field that may be available from at different stages of your studies, including assistance for attendance at conferences, scholarships for finishing your dissertation, etc.
Why is BC willing to ignore all of its Jesuit values when dealing with the grad student union?
That would be a good question to ask Father Leahy. BC’s public position is similar to arguments made by Columbia ( recently. A BC FAQ ( addresses questions about Catholic social teaching and other issues from the administration’s perspective. The BC Graduate Student Employees Union addresses those issues this way: You might also be interested in the work of the Catholic Labor Network (, and this brief history of Catholic institutions and collective bargaining in America: The Jesuit Review (