Stress can do that. Make space in your schedule for the parts of it you enjoy, rather than the stuff you’re working on for class. Or take a break for a while and do other things. Sometimes coming back to it fresh helps with that kind of thing.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
Stress can do that. Make space in your schedule for the parts of it you enjoy, rather than the stuff you’re working on for class. Or take a break for a while and do other things. Sometimes coming back to it fresh helps with that kind of thing.
I have faith in you! If things don’t go as well as you hoped, please try some peer tutoring at the Connors Family Learning Center (bit.ly/BC-connors)
I know many things, and one thing I know is that your math and econ professors will have considerably better advice than I would about academic careers in those fields. Talk to all of them. Meanwhile, check this title: Complexities: Women in Mathematics, by Bettye Anne Case & Anne M Leggett. (O’Neill QA27.5 .C66 2005)