As of March 2017, about $160. There’s a terrific graph “Price and Purity of Domestic Cocaine Purchases, January 2012 – March 2017” on page 42 of this report from the DEA: bit.ly/2018DrugReport
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
As of March 2017, about $160. There’s a terrific graph “Price and Purity of Domestic Cocaine Purchases, January 2012 – March 2017” on page 42 of this report from the DEA: bit.ly/2018DrugReport
That would cost you about one year in jail and up to a $1000 fine if arrested as a first time offender, not to mention the risk you run of being expelled from Boston College. Subsequent offenders double that risk with a 2 year jail sentence and $2000 fine for each additional offense. You also run the risk of getting cocaine laced with fentanyl, which is deadly (RIP Mac Miller). I’d have to say that none of that is worth the purchase price.