It’s not a recording, but the ringing has been automated since the 1960s.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
It’s not a recording, but the ringing has been automated since the 1960s.
I sent one of my helpers out to listen for the 1 PM bells. The chimes (bit.ly/ChimesSound) sound before the hour strikes, of course, but the 1 o’clock bell struck at 1:59:47 according to my helper using time.gov. Are you gonna ding them for 13 seconds…?
There is a description of the bells of Gasson (did you know there are four of them?) in “The Spirit of the Heights,” a history of BC written by University historian Thomas H. O’Connor and published in 2011. Here’s the part about the ringing: “… from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., the bells would announce each quarter of the hour, and every 60 minutes they would toll the exact hour. At noon and again at 6 p.m., the Gasson Tower bells sounded the Angelus as an invitation to all who heard it to pause for a moment of prayer or reflection. The works originally required a twice-weekly hand-winding, but the bells went automatic in the 1960s.