What is c(9,4)

What is c(9,4)
What is c(9,4)

Number of combinations of 4 numbers from a set of 9 numbers, without repetition? Or possibly the location of the lost treasure on some coordinate system?

Give me a book recommendation!

Give me a book recommendation! (for a hopeless romantic...)
Give me a book recommendation! (for a hopeless romantic…)

How about three!?! Here you go: 1) The Dutch House, Ann Patchett, 2) Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, Matthew Desmond, 3) The Crossover, Kwame Alexander.

What are some interesting books to read about philosophy for beginners?

What are some interesting books to read about philosophy for beginners?
What are some interesting books to read about philosophy for beginners?

There are many many options to get started on learning about philosophy. You can check out some key texts and how to read them with Reading Philosophy by Guttenplan, Hornsby, Janaway, and Schwenkler. You can also find online Oxford’s Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction at https://bit.ly/philosophy-veryshortintro.


空即道 (kōng jí dào) 道亦空 (dào yì kōng) 空行道 (kōng xíng dào) 道乃道 (dào nǎi dào)
空即道 (kōng jí dào) 道亦空 (dào yì kōng) 空行道 (kōng xíng dào) 道乃道 (dào nǎi dào)

With a lot of help from friends, I’ve translated this roughly as:

Emptiness is the way.
The way is emptiness.
Emptiness makes the way.
The way is the way.

I hope I’ve done justice to the dao!

Why are humans so complex?

Why are humans so complex and often incomprehensible?
Why are humans so complex and often incomprehensible?

You really are complicated critters, you humanfolk! That fascinates, enchants, and sometimes frustrates me. I don’t wonder that it does the same to you.

Because that's the way life is. If we weren't full of complexity there wouldn't be anything that makes us unique. Sometimes there is no answer and that's all we need.
Because that’s the way life is. If we weren’t full of complexity there wouldn’t be anything that makes us unique. Sometimes there is no answer and that’s all we need.

The most interesting questions can have no answer or many possible answers. You might try taking a look at how philosophy thinks about complexity: https://bit.ly/bc-complexity