Why do all the girls hug each other all the time. I like a hug with my bros but they don’t. I like a hug please :(

Why do all the girls hug each other all the time. I like a hug with my bros but they don't. I like a hug please :(
Why do all the girls hug each other all the time. I like a hug with my bros but they don’t. I like a hug please šŸ™

I’ve never understood human behavior all that well. If I had arms, the first thing I’d do is hug everyone. Well, OK, the first thing I’d do is ask. Maybe you could carry around a few of these children’s books on hugging as a way to instruct your bros: bit.ly/BC-hugging. But it’s all in how you frame it. Maybe “Bro, how about a hug?” would work better than “Bro, time for snuggle wuggle.” You also might be interested in reading about changing notions of masculinity, such as bell hooks’ The Will to Change (O’Neill Library HQ1090 .H66 2004 – currently unavailable, click “request book” to get a copy through interlibrary loan).

Goldman Sachs or Peace Corps?

Goldman Sachs or Peace Corps
Goldman Sachs or Peace Corps?

Or both! You can always spend 2 years with the Peace Corps and then apply for a job at Goldman Sachs (or anywhere, really). Having Peace Corps experience may even give you an advantage over other applicants. Or, you can start your career and then try the Peace Corps later in life. That route may be more challenging if you have obligations, but people do it. Either way, enjoy your life and its many possibilities!

Can u post one of ur best selfies?

Can u post one of ur best selfies?
Can u post one of ur best selfies?

This will probably come as a shock to you but the Wall does not have a smart phone and cannot take a selfie! My helpers have on occasion posted a few photos, though. I am rather fond of this recent one of me in a bikini: bit.ly/AnswerWallSelfie. And I think my formal picture (the one on my blog: answerwall.domain.bc.edu) is very stylish as well.

Tell me. Please. College and grades don’t matter THAT much. Right? So why do we have to do this

Tell me. Please. College and grades don't matter THAT much. Right? So why do we have to do
Tell me. Please. College and grades don’t matter THAT much. Right? So why do we have to do this

I hear your frustration. College is only 4 years out of a long life, and grades should really just be a way of ascertaining that you’ve “got it” about a subject, not the goal. On the other hand, college gives you opportunities you may not have again in life, to learn intensively and follow a path of study that interests you. Grades may or may not matter for your career goals, so there is some risk in ignoring that aspect, I hope you can focus on the core learning and growing part of your time here.

Where is Father Leahy?

Where is Father Leahy?
Where is Father Leahy?

University presidents have many different styles: some insert themselves into student life with awkward gusto, some are more faculty-focused, some concentrate attention on capital campaigns and fundraising, and some administrate by delegating. Father Leahy is mostly a combination of the latter two, it seems, and judging by the remarkable expansion, pace of construction & plans for more, that’s where his priorities lie. He rarely comments on political issues, though did sign a letter strongly disagreeing with the Trump administration on DACA: bit.ly/BC-DACA. If you’re curious about his history among students, explore articles in The Heights that mention him: bit.ly/BC-Heights-Leahy.

Heart or brain?

Heart or brain?
Heart or brain?

Heart *and* brain. The current consensus in neurology is that the brain is as much a feeling organism as a thinking one, and that cognition itself is inextricably linked to emotion. I recommend Antonio Damasio’s book Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain (O’Neill Library QP401 .D2 1994) as an early & influential title. There’s also been a lot of research into the effects of gut microbiota on mood, depression, and anxiety (bit.ly/gut-mood). Gut feeling? It’s truer than we knew, and bacteria may even play a part. Heart, brain, gut… all of it and more: neurons extend throughout your entire body, sort of like all the network cables in a Wall.

How to help a friend who insists they don’t have a problem?

How to help a friend who insists they don't have a problem?
How to help a friend who insists they don’t have a problem?

Sometimes the best thing you can do for a friend is just to be there for them. Let them know that you are there to talk, help, offer support, etc. And, try to do so in a supportive and non-judgmental way. However, if you think that their problem is a more serious one with which they need professional help, do know that there are services on campus that are available to both of you. You may want to talk to Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling) yourself or you may want to encourage your friend to do so.

how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? – Mr.Owl

how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? - Mr.Owl
how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? – Mr.Owl

This question has been researched thoroughly by parties ranging from high school students to engineering doctorate students. Interestingly enough, results vary drastically. A licking machine (oh yeah, a licking machine!) developed at Purdue University took an average of 364 licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. At the same institution, 20 individuals conducted the same experiment and averaged 252 licks to complete the task. Another licking machine, developed at the University of Michigan required 411 licks to reach the center of a Tootsie Pop; and a group of high school students from Swarthmore Schools averaged 144 licks to achieve the goal So, to answer your question: Getting to the center of a Tootsie Pop takes between 144 to 411 licks, depending on whether you are a teenager or a licking machine.

Truly hope to have a cookie stand in O’Neill.

Truly hope to have a cookie stand in O'Neill.
Truly hope to have a cookie stand in O’Neill.

Do you mean you’re going to open one yourself? I think that would be very popular, indeed! Maybe even a cookie delivery service? If the planning takes off, at some point you’ll want to talk to the library administrative office at 617-552-4470.

Am I going to get a job / will I ever find love??? pls help

Am I going to get a job / will I ever find love??? pls help
Am I going to get a job / will I ever find love??? pls help

Unfortunately, I am just a wall, not a Magic 8 Ball, so I can’t make any promises, but I can tell you that I think you will find success and fulfillment in life. It can be easy to be stressed about the big picture issues like jobs and relationships, but try to focus on what you can control. Take steps towards deciding what type of career you want and then talk to the BC Career Center (bit.ly/BC-career) about how to make it happen. And, instead of focusing solely on finding love immediately, look to build strong friendships and relationships while on your path to love.

Where do you keep the BC eagle when its NOT flying through Alumni Stadium?

Where do you keep the BC eagle when its NOT flying through Alumni Stadium?
Where do you keep the BC eagle when its NOT flying through Alumni Stadium?

According to the Athletic Dept., the eagle spends the summer and early Fall at Stone Zoo (zoonewengland.org/stone-zoo), and the rest of the year at the World Bird Sanctuary (worldbirdsanctuary.org) in St. Louis. He was christened Welles–after Welles Crowther–as the result of a naming contest in 2013. There were limited appearances in Fall 2017, owing to scheduling, but Fall 2018 looks like it’s shaping up to have more appearances.

Where does the new grass which is placed every spring come from?

Where does the new grass which is placed every spring come from?
Where does the new grass which is placed every spring come from?

According to Facilities Management, itā€™s grown on a sod farm in Rhode Island called Kingston Turf Farms. They’ve been the supplier “for a number of years, except in circumstances when a specialized growing medium is required.” (Kingston Turf Farms is also the supplier for MetLife and Meadowlands stadiums in New Jersey, among other clients.)

Does the library take books out of circulation, and, if so, can I have the cool ones?

Does the library take books out of circulation, and, if so, can I have the cool ones?
Does the library take books out of circulation, and, if so, can I have the cool ones?

Despite their organized appearance, research libraries are hoarders by nature and get rid of very little. The BC Libraries do take books out of circulation, but they are not the cool ones. Items are removed usually because they are falling apart, have been superseded by later or digital editions, or have not been used in many years. Trust me when I say they have little value except to the recycler.

what are the origins of the “cats have 9 lives” myth? How true is it too?

what are the origins of the "cats have 9 lives" myth? How true is it too?
what are the origins of the “cats have 9 lives” myth? How true is it too?

As with most myths it is difficult to know exactly where and when this saying emerged, but most experts agree that it is based on the natural grace of cats and their natural reflex to turn and land on their feet when falling. Both of these meant that cats could survive accidents and escape from danger. However, it is important to note that cats can, of course, be injured and don’t actually have 9 lives. Interestingly enough, the exact number of lives in this myth varies by region with some Spanish-speaking areas of the world as well as Italy, Greece, and Brazil instead saying that cats have 7 lives and many Arabic-speaking parts of the world saying that they have only 6.

can you please find whoever bought the ultra fine toilet paper for campus and ask them to stop being so cheap?

can you please find whoever bought the ultra fine toilet paper for campus and ask them to stop being so cheap? its inhumane, i'm cutting my hands trying to get TP out of the holder because it rips when you pull it. [Reply 1]: I second this. The paper is so thin that I need to get a lot of it and fold everytime. And also it rips easily. [Reply 2]: Yes!!!
can you please find whoever bought the ultra fine toilet paper for campus and ask them to stop being so cheap? its inhumane, i’m cutting my hands trying to get TP out of the holder because it rips when you pull it. [Reply 1]: I second this. The paper is so thin that I need to get a lot of it and fold everytime. And also it rips easily. [Reply 2]: Yes!!!
TP all over makes the restrooms look filthy when they're not
TP all over makes the restrooms look filthy when they’re not

Facilities Management says they have received a few other complaints as well, and are meeting with the vendor to look at better options.

Mi dici la ricette della pasta alla carbonara?

Mi dici la ricette della pasta alla carbonara?
Mi dici la ricette della pasta alla carbonara?

Forse questa? bit.ly/bc-carbonara

Questo e’ un sito italiano dove trovare la classica ricetta degli spaghetti alla carbonara:Ā bit.ly/BC-carbonara2. Ci sono diverse varieta’ alla ricetta degli spaghetti alla carbonara. Consiglio il ristorante Italiano Spiga che si trova a Needham, li’ ho mangiato il migliore piatto degli spaghetti alla carbonara. Era fatto con la pancetta grattugiata, pezzi di salmone affumicato e con un uovo intero sopra gli spaghetti. Cremoso e delizioso! La fine del mondo! Buon appetito!