Perche’ il mio amico Matteo non si fa i cazzi suoi? [Why doesn’t my friend Matteo mind his own business?]

Perche' il mio amico Matteo non si fa i cazzi suoi? [Why doesn’t my friend Matteo mind his own business?]
Perche’ il mio amico Matteo non si fa i cazzi suoi? [Why doesn’t my friend Matteo mind his own business?]

I don’t think I’ve ever met Matteo, so it’s hard to say why he won’t mind his own business. Maybe he’s just more interested in your business than his own? And wouldn’t that be kind of flattering? To a point? It sounds like he crosses a line, though. If he’s interested in everybody’s business (an incurable gossip), I recommend discretion and careful listening. (And *never* reveal his sources, or else the well will dry up.) This eagle understands you, though.

"Bald eagle wondering what this camera is doing up in his business."
“Bald eagle wondering what this camera is doing up in his business.” (from

How can I face a bad time?

How can I face a bad time?
How can I face a bad time?

With help and support from your friends, family, and community! It is important to know that when you are going through a tough time, you don’t have to go through it alone. Perhaps you can turn to your family for support. If they are far away, consider FaceTime or Skype to get a chance to see them as you get their advice and support. Be sure to also lean on your friends too. Many of them are probably closer to your age and their perspective (and knowing what a large support network you have), can be helpful. Finally, don’t discount the value in getting professional help. If you are feeling down or even just struggling, there are resources at BC for you. Contact Counseling Services ( for information about the support they can offer. And of course, you can always come to me for advice or support along the way!

New graphic novels on the first floor. Any recommendations?

New graphic novels on the first floor. Any recommendations?
New graphic novels on the first floor. Any recommendations?

There are so many great options, it is hard to choose just one! If you’re a science fiction fan, check out Y, The Last Man (PN6728 .Y2 V38 2003). They recently announced that it is being turned into a TV show, so you can be ahead of the curve. Plus, it is a great read! If superheroes are more your speed, check out Planet Hulk (PN6728.I47 P35 2008) to check back in with the Hulk before the upcoming Avengers movie. Or, if you like a good memoir, how about Relish: My Life in the Kitchen by Lucy Knisley (TX715 .K6985 2013)? It is a great read (though warning, it may make you hungry!). If you want us to get any other comics for the collection, just let us know!

My friend/roomate will never go out w/me and spends all his time in the room. What do I do?

My friend/roomate will never go out w/me and spends all his time in the room. What do I do?
My friend/roomate will never go out w/me and spends all his time in the room. What do I do?

Ask him how he’s doing. If he says he’s fine and he’d really rather just be in the room, that’s up to him. If you want to do something with him, consider doing something together without going out – multiplayer video, board games, cards, stream a film through or check out a dvd from the library. If you’re concerned about his well-being, check in with counseling to hear what they recommend:

Which is the best man hairdresser in Boston?

Which is the best man hairdresser in Boston?
Which is the best man hairdresser in Boston?

According to Boston Magazine, Pini Swissa is the best of the best for men’s hair in Boston, although getting your hair done by Pini yourself might be somewhat expensive. Similarly, Sandy Poirier, the owner of Shag Salon, is always in the conversation and regularly wins awards. He, too, might be a bit expensive for a regular cut and wash. Other stylists at both of these slaons (Pini Swissa and Shag) are generally excellent and can be significantly cheaper. Opther good options are Tweed, Sly’s, and Ball and Buck. For more options, check out

favorite question you’ve been asked?

favorite question you've been asked?
favorite question you’ve been asked?

At risk of sounding a bit self-absorbed, I am rather fond of the occasional questions I get that include marriage proposals and requests for dates (everyone loves to be loved <3 <3 <3). A question that I liked a lot was “How do I leave a better world for my children?” It was thoughtful and made me feel hope for the future and all warm and fuzzy inside.

What should I do if I keep being rejected from student organizations?

What ;should I do if I keep being rejected from student organizations? This year, I go into [?] I wanted to. Recently, I was rejected from 2 SOs that I dedicated a lot of time to. Help.
What should I do if I keep being rejected from student organizations? This year, I go into [?] I wanted to. Recently, I was rejected from 2 SOs that I dedicated a lot of time to. Help.
It must be frustrating and discouraging to put a lot of time into something and feel like your efforts weren’t valued. When you say “rejected,” do you mean you weren’t offered leadership positions? These things can take time, and aren’t always a measure of your worth to the organization. I recommend patience and resilience. I also recommend talking to the Office of Student Involvement about your experiences: They may be able to offer new strategies or perspectives.

Do the Celtics still have a chance without Kyrie?

Do the Celtics still have a chance without Kyrie? [reply 1: I don't know, reply 2: The Celtics will not win the Eastern Conference finals w/0 Kyrie.]
Do the Celtics still have a chance without Kyrie? [reply 1: I don’t know, reply 2: The Celtics will not win the Eastern Conference finals w/0 Kyrie.]

🙁 No. The wall isn’t a bandwagon fan – I got cousins and friends doing all sorts of wall-things to keep the Garden standing. But the Celts had a tough path even with Kyrie healthy. And now…just watch the Toronto game for yourself. But here’s the good news: Hayward AND Kyrie will be healthy next season. Our bench and our bench’s bench are going to get some good experience. So our starters will be ready to play and we’ll have plenty of depth to grind through the end of the season. I, for one, am looking forward to a LeBron James/Kyrie Irving showdown in next year’s EC finals.

Why is my girlfriend acting like a 3 year old sometimes. I am a girl, btw.

Why is my girlfriend acting like a 3 year old sometimes. I am a girl, btw.
Why is my girlfriend acting like a 3 year old sometimes. I am a girl, btw.

Nothing like a tantrum to tell the world how you feel. My mother once made me stand in the corner (no small feat for a wall). Perhaps your GF has had success with childlike behavior and so continues to act that way to get what she wants. Rather than giving in, you might act like a parent and tell her that she won’t get what she wants until she behaves appropriately.

Who is the greatest vocalist of all time?

Who is the greatest vocalist of all time?
Who is the greatest vocalist of all time?

Hard to know “of all time” because we have only had recordings since around 1875. And what criteria to use in judging “greatest”? They would need the longevity of Billie Holiday, the range of Freddie Mercury, the power of Adele, the control of Barbara Streisand and the popularity of Michael Jackson. Maybe we’re talking about Aretha Franklin?

Who answers these questions?

Who answers these questions? -You do a great job
Who answers these questions?
-You do a great job

Thank you, it’s so kind of you to say that. The questions are answered by a group of library staff (with other helpers as needed for outside expertise), who enjoy the utterly unexpectedly wonderful randomness of the questions that appear every day – as do I, Your Faithful Wall.

Is the “S” or “C” in the word “scent” silent?

Is the "S" or "C" in the word "scent" silent? (This is original)
Is the “S” or “C” in the word “scent” silent? (This is original)

It’s all a muddle, because English applies a hodgepodge of pronunciation and spelling rules from various Germanic and Latinate languages to various Latinate and Germanic words. A very small note in the trusty Oxford English Dictionary says “The current spelling in sc- is attested from the mid 16th cent., and appears to reflect analogical remodelling after e.g. scene n., sceptre n., etc.” The word in Middle French from which it derives (the verb “sentir” – to perceive by odor, from Latin sentīre”) had no c. In this case, then, the c appears to be silent, a kind of quiet interloper from similar words borrowed from French.

How can I help a close friend if I suspect she has an eating disorder and conversations haven’t gotten through in the past?

How can I help a close friend if I suspect she has an eating disorder and conversations haven't gotten through in the past?
How can I help a close friend if I suspect she has an eating disorder and conversations haven’t gotten through in the past?

So good that she has a friend who cares enough to help with this. I would approach The Office of Health Promotion ( or possibly Counseling Services ( and ask them the best way to talk to your friend about the issue – they have a lot of experience with this.

Who’s winning the World Cup?

Who's winning the World Cup?
Who’s winning the World Cup?

Let’s see. Arguably, the three natural candidates are: a. Brazil: Five-time champion, two-time runner up, and number 2 on FIFA’s men’s ranking. b. Germany: Four-time champion (current champion) three-time runner up, and number 1 on FIFA’s men’s ranking. c. Argentina: Two-time champion, three-time runner up, and number 4 on FIFA’s men’s ranking. They also have Lionel Messi, the most talented player in the world who, as an adult, is yet to win a title with Argentina. Now, considering that the only time a South American team has won a World Cup in Europe was in 1958, I would say Germany will win the 2018 World Cup.