My friend the Magic 8 Ball is way better at predictions than I am, though I think they make stuff up sometimes. Verdict: “most likely”.
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
Any wavelength of light is fine with me as long as it’s visible to the human eye, because I like communicating with humans and want them to see my replies. (Humans who can’t see can visit my answers at library.bc.edu/answerwall and use a screenreader. Please tell them!)
From my research (romance books like People We Meet on Vacation, A Lady for a Duke, Love & Other Words, Take a Hint, Dani Brown) friends to lovers is a solid foundation for a romantic relationship. Only you can know if you are ready to tell your friend your feelings. When you do, remember to leave space for their feelings, whatever they may be.
I am a firm believer that we all have more than once purpose in life and if we are lucky we change with time. For example, when I was mounted as a board decades ago, I never could have imagined students one day soliciting my advice. There’s a book in the library called The Defining Decade that many in their early twenties have found helpful. My advice? Leading with kindness, openness, & curiousity will lead you to work and community that is meaningful. Your purpose(s) will find you.
Where are they right now, physically? All over the world on summer break. But virtually they’re here: bit.ly/bc-womens-rugby, and here: bit.ly/bc-mens-rugby
Lay out a Word template with blank Post-It sized blocks. Print a copy. Fill in the blocks on another copy of the document. Lay blank Post-Its on top of the blocks in the printed copy and set your printer to accept a manually fed page. Print the filled in copy. You can Google for the dimensions and a copy of the template.
Not only are unicorns real, they’re actually sea creatures! Read about them and see some great photos: bit.ly/bc-unicorn
Hard work, luck, and having some money to start with. Leave out any one of those, and the other two have to be that much stronger. (And remember, you have no control over luck and won’t know you have it until after the fact.)
He wasn’t fired, and he won’t be leaving until the summer of 2026, giving plenty of time for a smooth replacement. More info: bit.ly/bc-leahy-resigns