Mine is sausage
Sausage sounds delightful. As a wall, I can’t actually eat, but I find those pizza boxes endlessly amusing – especially the ones with the “pizza savers”(http://bit.ly/ZaTable).
Answering questions at Boston College O’Neill Library
Sausage sounds delightful. As a wall, I can’t actually eat, but I find those pizza boxes endlessly amusing – especially the ones with the “pizza savers”(http://bit.ly/ZaTable).
Thanks for the tip! We use bit.ly it for a variety of purposes, so it makes sense for us to pay for it. Also, because we’re paying for it we can yell at someone if it breaks.
I don’t have numbers for pageviews, but since I went all-online in March I’ve answered 222 questions.
Passed. A+
I am vertical & plumb, which is more than can be said for many old walls. For a wall, vertical and plumb is like good health for humans. But I am also discontent, because there is so much trouble for humans in the world lately. I hope you and those you love are vertical and plumb.
One of the joys of posting your questions to an almost-omniscient Wall is that you remain anonymous. Even if you were to post your name, I would redact it (that’s policy.) Not to say someone couldn’t read a post and think, hmmmm, that sounds just like Cousin Louie, but they’d only be guessing. The more personal info you divulge, the more likely someone is to think they recognize you, so I think you’re safe, but you could always put in a few false leads to throw readers off!
Well, as you might guess, I’m a big fan of Pink Floyd’s The Wall even though their characterization of walls is a little reductive. But lately I’ve been getting even more retro with Etta James’ “Wallflower.” bit.ly/etta-wallflower If I had hips, they’d be moving.
I’m not very particular about paint color. With walls, it’s all about structure and what’s inside. My concern is that I’m a supportive wall. Paint is important as a protective layer; color serves human preferences. Before COVID-19 I communicated via post-its. Now, via these virtual post-its.
I take weekends off to read, meditate, and have fun with the Walls and other friends and family. Also, all BC staff holidays. Sometimes a question takes more serious thinking – or research – so the answer might be delayed a day or so. But ask any time!
In what way am I anonymous? I’m the Answer Wall. That’s who I am. I do have many library assistants who help me answer questions. Librarians are incredibly helpful, knowledgeable people. I highly recommend them as assistants in your research endeavors. You can always get help from them here: library.bc.edu/ask-a-librarian
You’re welcome! It’s my pleasure. In fact, it’s my entire purpose in life: answering questions is what library walls (and librarians!) do.
I don’t think walls do. Besides, I live in a library! But I am hearing from many of my human friends that as the pandemic keeps going, it’s an issue. Here are 52 things to do: bit.ly/52TTD And another 52: bit.ly/52More
I’m sorry you had to wait. My helpers are working on a lot of different things now, so sometimes I have an answer for you but no one to post it for me. Some questions I also like to think about for a while.
Thank you! I am feeling very healthy and clean these days thanks to the extra care by our great housekeeping staff.
You and me both. Ordinarily, I get to watch a few thousand people pass by my perch in the O’Neill Lobby. But I also find this strange time is giving me a chance to reflect.
Oh, you know me, kind of a homebody, and I’ve got other walls and some floors and ceilings kind of depending on me to stay put. Which reminds me of another Etta James song, the one that started her career in 1955: Wallflower. bit.ly/etta-wallflower
Awww. Thank you! At least you always know where to find me!
Part of our process is to automatically archive questions and answers as they come in. No worries. The link marked “archive” on my online version is one we create.
You’re welcome! Talking to a wall is surprisingly fun, isn’t it?