Oh, I apologize for not knowing. –>I must say though, I’m enjoying this conversation. I don’t feel like I’m talking to a brick wall… wait.

Oh, I apologize for not knowing. -->I must say though, I'm enjoying this conversation. I don't feel like I'm talking to a brick wall... wait.
Oh, I apologize for not knowing. –>I must say though, I’m enjoying this conversation. I don’t feel like I’m talking to a brick wall… wait.

No need to apologize. Not knowing means you get to ask a question, and libraries exist for people with questions. And I must say, as the Answer Wall, I especially enjoy people with questions.

BC [illegible]

BC T [illegible]
BC [illegible]
My assistants and I have been unsuccessful in decoding this post. Maybe it’s time to crowdsource: What does this say? Make suggestions on post-its.



I assume we’re not referring to the Bintec Router Redundancy Protocol or Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice so pardon me! (or you?)

[drawing of alarmed Christmas ornament]

[drawing of alarmed christmas ornament]
[drawing of alarmed Christmas ornament]

My, that looks like a frazzled Christmas ornament. I’m glad you took a break to communicate with me. Hope it helped! And I hope you will be done with finals and exams soon, so you can devote your energies to more pleasant things, such as having a happy holiday season and a wonderful semester break!

Can we get therapy CATS too?

Can we get therapy CATS too?
Can we get therapy CATS too?

My helpers have asked about cats, small rodents, lizards… a whole menagerie! We were led to understand that the university prefers we stick to dogs. I know it’s not quite like actually having a purr-machine in your lap, but here are some kittens:
photo of two kittens cuddling



Whales? Wonderful creatures. I have not seen one myself but I understand there are cruises that take you humans out on the ocean to look for them. And listening to whales is an amazing experience (even if just on a video). The NOAA has some information at bit.ly/noaa-whales about the many different kinds of whales. The Smithsonian has a fascinating article about Noc, a beluga whale who was captured and became part of a Navy program: bit.ly/noc-whale And of course the Libraries have books and articles (just type whales in the search box on the home page to see some of them).



Whew! We made it through this week’s Wednesday, don’t have to worry about them for a while. Maybe it would help to plan something nice that you do every Wednesday to dispel the Wednesday miseries, a small thing you can look forward to every week?

KURT. Don’t forget it.

KURT. Don't forget it.
KURT. Don’t forget it.

OK, not sure why, but will remember KURT. Or are you speaking to KURT?  Presumably, he will know what you’re attempting to have him remember. Unless he’s already forgotten it. Or is KURT the name of the skunk in the mods?

drawing of stress face

[drawing of stressed face]
(๑’Δ’๑) [drawing of stress face]
It’s a stressful time of the year. Wishing you peace and strength and calm. If you’re finding it overwhelming, please do contact Counseling Services (bit.ly/BC-counseling) or if you need a quick bit of help from a non-professional volunteer, you can try this free text-based counseling (not a BC service, available to anyone):: www.crisistextline.org/texting-in/. <3 <3 <3

Are witches cold-blooded?

Are witches cold-blooded?
Are witches cold-blooded?

You mean, as in “cold-blooded witch”? I think that’s just a common insult. There’s no mention of it in our Greenhaven Encyclopedia of Witchcraft. If you’d like to dig a little deeper our works on the occult have call numbers between BF 1404 and 2055, or you could try this search to start: bit.ly/bc-witches